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Sam's POV

I sat there holing Violet when Charlie walked in.

"Hey Sa- *gasp* baby!" She ran over and looked down at her, "she's so small."

"Yeah, little missy wasn't supposed to be here for another month." I said with a chuckle.

"Well it's good that everyone is ok." She smiled.


"Where's Gabe?" She asked still looking down at Violet.

"He's down stairs in the room. I didn't want to wake him up. Here if you want to sit down I can put her in your arms." I smiled as Charlie scrambled to sit on the couch.

"Gimme gimme!" She made grabby hands at Violet.

"One second." I laughed as I lowered Violet down into her arms.

"What's her name?"

"Oh, sorry, her name is Violet." I sat down next to her and sighed.

"Are you ok?" Charlie looked over to me.

"I'm fine I just had a long night..."

"Did Violet keep you up?"

"No, just, I don't know how to say it."

"What? You can tell me anything Sam."

"Well, when Gabriel went into labor he was at school, I got him and took him to Bobby's, he's a family friend, and then when Gabriel has Violet he was barely breathing. I didn't know what to do so I call Michael, Raphael, and Lucifer. They healed him basically and then took him home cause he needed time to finish healing, I guess. I took Violet home and went to our room and couldn't get to sleep, I just wanted to see Gabriel ok. Then Gabriel came into our room, I gave him a hug and then we laid down. That was at three a.m. and not it's seven. So I'm running on less than four hours of sleep." Once I was done talking I looked over at Charlie and she was just staring at me, "Sorry, I went on a rant."

"Sam it's fine for you to go on a rant you are tired and last night you were worried about Gabe, it's fine. Do you want to take a nap while I got her?" She smiled.

"No she has to eat soon-"

"Then after she eats you can nap." She smiled again but more hyper.

"Ok then." We sat there for a while until Violet got fussy. I went and made her a bottle and Charlie shooed me down stairs to take a nap. I crawled in the bed trying not to wake Gabe but I woke him up enough that as I laid down he clung onto me. God I love him.

Sorry I haven't been updating my stories a lot I just have a lot of stuff going on along with school. I'm going to try to update more.

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