The Present Play

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Sam's POV

I joined the drama club because Gabe begged me. We have a play to put on the 11th, A Christmas Carol. Gabe thought it would be a good idea for both of up to be the ghost of Christmas Present, you know the one that is supposed to be a giant. What we ended up doing was Gabe sat on my shoulder and with our height we are a little over twelve feet. The kid who plays Scrooge is six feet exactly so it kinda works.

~Time skip to the play cause I'm lazy~

We were all rushing around back stage, the girl who plays Mrs. Fezziwig couldn't find her shall, Jacob Marley didn't want to put on baby powder, and Gabe almost fell off my shoulders. He was a bit heavy but it wasn't that bad. We got our costume on waited for our scene. While waiting i decided to get some revenge. I got my arm out of the costume and smacked Gabe's ass. I felt him jerk and jokingly smack my head.

We walked out and the crowd exploded into laughter. I had to move my legs the whole way so that we looked somewhat normal. Gabe use his powers and turned the touch a greenish color. The whole crowd sounded amazed and so did the people back stage. I could only see a few things but I could see Scrooge's face, it was a mix of fear and amazement.

Once our scene was done we went back stage got our costume off.

"Gabe what was that?" I said in a hushed voice.

"I thought we could spice things up." He was as he took off his vest.

"Your dad said that you weren't allowed to use your powers at school." I whispered so no one would hear.

"So, I was just something tiny." Gabe said as he leaned over and have me a kiss, "There, did I do something wrong now?"

I looked at as my face blushed a bit, "Maybe....."

The play ended and we went out to see Dean and Cas waiting for us.

"Come on love birds lets get going." Dean said as he walked towards the door. As we walked to the car I noticed that Cas was blushing. We drove home and I plopped down on the couch. Gabe laid down next to me. I heard Chuck talking to someone, I think he's on the phone. Jack was running around the living room and Saw watched to make sure he didn't get hurt. Jack ran over to me and lifted his arms up.

"Up, up, up Sam!" He said excitingly.

"No no, ask politely."

"Pleeaassee" he looked up at me and smiled. I picked him up and Gabe sat up so I could set him down. Gabe looked over and smiled at me as Jack started to babble on about how he was excited for she and that he wants to go to school with us.

I saw Cas and Dean go down stairs and I nudged Gabe and pointed, "Yeah they're totally straight."

"Yeah I think we should keep Jack up here for a bit." Gabe said as Jack sat on his lap, staring at the Tv. I grabbed the remote and turned on a movie. By the time it was done Gabe and Jack were both asleep. I grabbed Jack and went down and put him in his room. Then I went back up and carried Gabe, bridal style, down to his room. I covered him up and got in on the other side. He rolled over and cuddled up next to me.

I woke up and Gabe was still asleep. I got out of the bed slowly and put on a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. I heard my phone buzzing so I grabbed it and went out of Gabe's room to answer it.


"Hey Sam, Dean wasn't answering so I called you."

"K dad, what do you need?"

"I don't think I'll be home for Christmas, tell Dean I'm sorry, but I sent my gifts for you two to Bobby."


"Sam, you do remember where Bobby lives right?"

"Yes I do, Dean and I work for him dad."

"Ok, again I'm sorry for not being able to come home for Christmas."

"It's ok Dad....."

"Bye Sam."

"Bye." I hung up and turned around and the bathroom door was closed. I walked back into Gabe's room and sat down on the bed, taking note that Gabe was gone, probably in the bathroom. He came back and sat next to me.

"Gabe what's wrong." I grabbed his hand.

"Sam it's just a bug, promise me." He said as we locked eyes. His golden eyes looking at mine with trust. Before I could say anything else he put his lips on mine.

"Is that your way of shutting me up?" I muffled as he continued to kiss me. He backed up and giggled. We both looked up to the ceiling and we heard people walking around. Gabe got up and put on a baggy hoodie along with his booty shorts. I walked over to Jack's room and saw him sitting up in his bed. I grabbed him and went back to Gabe in the hallway . We walked up and saw some of his brothers sitting in the living room. Balthazar walked down stairs, surprisingly sober. He is only sober for school, as soon as we get home he drinks like a gallon of vodka, and then he's completely sober for the morning. Gabe said that it was because of him being an angel but still that's some good endurance. I gave Jack to Chuck as I ran out of the door with an apple in my mouth. All four of us jumped into the Impala and Gabe's brothers got in their car and we drove off. 

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