"Huh? That's random but yeah of course!" Karen smiles shaking her head. She swallows the remains of her drink, tosses it to the side, and starts walking.

Random? Now I'm kinda curious on what the fuck she was talking about before.

We've walked around almost the whole damn house, upstairs included at this point. Every new location I make an excuse that I'm curious about this or that.

We waved to Uvo and even spotted most the basketball team. Of course we walked by before the guys could say anything to Karen for not being posted outside.

Evidently we didn't find Gon or TZ anywhere. Were they already hooking up in a room or what?

I was about to make a play to get me and Karen some action in the rooms to find them when I realized how I creepy I was being.

I definitely, no absolutely, actually 100%, do NOT care about what Gon and TZ are doing.

That's when, of fucking course, I spot Gon and TZ in the kitchen laughing.

There is literally nothing that could be funny, why is Gon laughing with him.

"Ooh you know it was fun looking through what makes up the hot shot basketball guys home and everything. But I kinda want another drink" I say grabbing Karen's arm and pointing to the kitchen.

Karen smirks at me "Aight alcoholic, it's not like I gave 6 shots worth of Jack in that first cup"

I lean in closer to her not missing a beat "Oh so you were tryna get me fucked up to take me home?"

Karen giggled and reversed it so she was grabbing my arm. "Something like that. Though not to do what you fantasize"

Huh suddenly Karen is way more confident. She takes the lead and we make our way to the kitchen.

I'm not sure if Gon notices me immediately or not but I made sure he did by walking between him and TZ to grab a cup from the counter.

"Killua?" Gon raises and eyebrow at me.

I open my mouth to respond when TZ rudely interrupts as we walks towards Karen. "Karen? What are you doing inside?"

"Enjoying myself. A foreign concept for females to you?" Karen spit at him.

Holy shit Karen.

TZ chuckles "Woah there chill. I think you did a good job tonite so your fine. Though you clearly aren't afraid of the consequences anymore"

Gon readjusted his position to a more intimidating stance as he glared at TZ "Don't tell me you scared the freshman again by implying you'd gang bang them or something if they fucked up"

"Yeah TZ, that's horrible" I chime in backing up Gon.

"Come on, we don't haze our teammates or the cheerleaders, but we have to scare them somehow. They know it's a joke after their turn being a bouncer."

"That really isn't a joke. Your lucky I was new and afraid otherwise I wouldn't have fallen for this shit at all. Watch out even sober me isn't going to go easy anymore. Also I should've known. It was obvious your ass was gay" Karen snarked as she rolled her eyes and turned her back to him to get me a drink.

"Yeah TZ, you guys are horrible" I chime in again.

"Who the fuck are you?" TZ said turning to my direction.

I chuckled as I squared up to him "Wow, really? Gon already said my name. Don't act like you haven't heard it all over school and on tv. I'm not going to deny that I know the name TZ. So was that some sort of lame attempt to seem superior?"

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