Ice Skating

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Mana, Nea and Allen were on their way to an ice rink so they could go ice skating. Nea was the one to suggest that they all go down to the ice rink to skate around. Allen, of course, had been very excited about this idea and Mana just couldn't disagree with how eager the boy was so he agreed to go. Together, the three walked into the indoor ice skating building and headed over to the front desk to rent ice skates. Once they had their shoes they went over to some seats to put them on.
"Are you excited to skate Allen?" Mana asked the boy who's ruffling his hair. He had already gotten his skates and and Nea had to help Allen put his on.
"Mhmm!" Allen hummed with an eager nod, trying to stand up once his skates were on. Ye white haired kid almost fell over and he would have if not for Mana catching him.
"Careful, wouldn't want to hurting yourself." Nea chuckled and stood up, walking on his skates without any trouble.
"The key to walking in these is balance." He pointed out as they walked to the ice rink.
Mana stepped onto the ice first, Allen following after and Nea following his two close family members. Mana offered Allen his two hands to help the boy balance. Allen clutched onto his adoptive fathers hands to steady himself as he hesitantly moved with him on the ice. Nea skates along beside his brother and nephew, watching the two with a small smile on his face.
"You okay Allen?" Mana asked worriedly.
"Yeah I'm okay!" Allen nodded but he was a bit scared of letting his adoptive father go since he was afraid he'd fall once he had nothing sturdy to grab onto. The three started to skate slowly around the edge of the rink. Mana was basically just pulling Allen along since Allen didn't really know how to move on the ice by himself. After awhile Allen started to feel more comfortable on the ice.
"Do you want me to let go for a bit so you can try skating on your own?" Mana asked Allen.
Allen hesitantly nodded and released his vice grip on Mana's hands and the two separated a few inches apart. Allen slid along the ice trying to move his feet like he was walking but that ended up to being a not so good idea.
"Eep-!" Allen yelped in shock, he clung to the small wall of the ice rink as his feet slipped out from under him and he landed on hit butt.
"Are you alright Allen? You didn't hurt yourself did you?" Mana fretted, hoping his dear son was alright. Nea rolled his eyes at Mana's overprotectiveness and offered Allen a hand. Allen took ahold of Nea's larger hand and was pulled back up to his feet.
"He's alright Mana, calm down." Nea told his brother. Allen stood on the ice with stiff leg as he clutched onto now Nea's hands as he didn't trust himself to try skating on his own again.
"Aside from the fact that you just fell over, Are you having fun?" Mana asked Allen to which the boy nodded, "Yes! This is really fun! Kind of hard to move around though.. the ice is slippery.." Allen responded.
Nea chuckled, "Well of course it's slippery with so many people on it the top layer is melting and making it kind of wet."
The odd family continued to skate around. Allen occasionally tried to move around on his own but all attempts didn't end that well but, Mana and Nea were happy to slow their pace to skate alongside the boy.
"Can we stop and get hot chocolate?" Allen asked. Mana and Nea glanced at each other for a minute before they both smiled.
"Sure thing."

Sorry if there's a bunch of spelling mistakes and stuff, I didn't bother proofreading-

Child Allen scenariosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora