Stratford Tower

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After yesterday I was on edge with Hank we were at Stratford Tower, Connor was playing with a coin which I thought was cute but Hank found it annoying,

"You're starting to piss me off with that coin, Connor." Hank says taking it away from Connor,

"Sorry, Lieutenant." Connor says in a sad tone, I look at Hank and flip the bird at him,

"Seventy Ninth floor" Says the elevator, we walk in and thats when I stop and start breathing heavily,

"Y/N what the hell are you alright?" Hank asks, Connor looks at me concerned,

"Your heart rate is up, is it from that nightmare you had Y/N? Did it take place here?" Connor says looking at me,

"Y...Yeah..." I look at him scared, while Hank looks concerned aswell, we continue in,

"Shit, what's going on here? There was a party nobody told us about?" Hank asks,

"Yeah, it's all over the news, so everybody's butting their nose in... Even the FBI wants a peice of the action..." says Ryan,

"Ah Christ, now we got the Feds on our back...I knew this was gonna be a shitty day..." Hank says,

"So what do we got?" I ask Ryan,

"A group of four andriods...They knew the building, and they were very well organized."

"I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed."

"They attacked two guards in the hallway...They probably thought the androids were coming to do maintenace. They got taken down before they could react..." Ryan finishes while we walk,

"A station employee...shot to the back as he was trying to get away. One bullet straight through the heart, from fifty feet...Now, thats the kind of shooting only an android could do." Ryan adds

"How many people were working here?" Hank asks,

"Just two employees and three androids. The deviants took the humans hostage and brodcast their message live. They made their getaway from the roof." says Ryan,

"The roof?" I ask,

"Yeah, they jumped with parachutes... We're still trying to figure out where they landed, but the weather's not helping...if you want to take a look at the broadcast by the deviants, it's on the screen over there." Ryan says,

"Thanks Ryan." I say, before we enter

"Oh Lieutenant, Detective, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson, and Detective L/N, are in charge of investigating for Detroit Police. " Ryan says

"Whats that?" Perkins asks looking at Connor,

"My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife." Connor says in a stern tone it makes my heart race,

"Androids investigating androids, huh? You sure you want an android hanging around?.. After everything happened... Whatever, the FBI will take over the investigation, you'll soon be off the case." Perkins says, I glare at him,

"Connor is a good android, Perkins." I snarl at him,

"Defensive, over and android huh?" Perkins looks at me, as I glare him down, we enter I see Connor enter the kitchen I don't mind it at first,

"Hank let's look at the footage." I tell Hank, we start watching the video, when I heard Connor,

"Hank...Y/N...I need help...!" I hear Connor shout, while Hank was talking, I run in,

"Connor!" I scream out seeing him bleeding and begging for me and hank I continue running towards him

"Connor don't let go!" I put his head on my lap

"A devaint...Don't let it get away..." I look at him stutter

"The devaint doesn't matter you do!" I cried out, I look at with a light blue colour on his cheek, to realize he was blushing... I push his biocompent back in,

"You are not dieing on me today" I kiss his head

"Now go!" I scream, I see him running after him and than remember my dream,

"M...My nightmare came true..." I say to myself silently, and start to sob, the memory of him dying is breaking my heart

" I say to myself silently, and start to sob, the memory of him dying is breaking my heart

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Connor rushes back in,

"We caugh-" He was about to say but he saw me crying and he ran over,

"Y/N? What's wrong!?" He asks in a panic,

"I...I saw you here in pain in my nightmare...." I say, looking up at him,

"You were dying, it came true..." I tell him my face red as he came closer, and pulled me into a hug, I hold onto him like there is no tommorow.

Hope is wating for you! (Connor x Reader)(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now