AX400 and Alice?

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We drive down to the area where the model had been spotted I notice that when Connor looked at me her turned blue it made me giggle, we entered the Motel, and I saw the no android sign and thought, she couldn't have come in here... I look around and pull Connor aside to see him blue at my motion,

"Can devaints take their LED out?" I ask,

"Yeah they can but only with a sharp object..." He tells me,

"So she can't be here." I tell Hank, Connor pulls out a picture, the motel owner was shocked

"Shit...She was dressed normaly...she may still be in room 28" He tells us

"Thanks for the info sir." We head to the door and open it,

"Nothing? Strange..." I say, we drive down to Hank favorite food joint, I was in the back with Connor and fell asleep on him again, he was just so freakin warmmmm,

"Wake up Luna we are here." Connor tells me hiding his face, I knew he was blushing, I blushed a bit too.

Relationship Y/N L/N: ??? but rising ↗We walk out to get some food to see him making a deal with a con artist, 

"One burger and fries Gary, also this is Connor, have a problem with him I will have to ask why." I say, Connor stayed blue the whole time he was next to me,

"Alright Love birds lets eat!" Hank says,

"Hes not my boyfriend Hank! He is our android anything that happens malfuction he will be shut off." I say in a stern tone

"Don't leave that thing here!" Gary says

"Huh, not a chance he follows us everywhere." Hank says

As we sit down and eat, Gary calls me over, Connor follows me but crouching, Hank didn't care, as I make my way up there Gary grabs my hand, 

"Y/N will you go on a date with me?" He asks,

"I'm sorry Gary but...No." I say, he looks shocked

"Wh...Why?" He asked,

"I'm not intrested thats all." I say stern,

"Alright sorry to bother you..." Before I see Connor crouching he was analayzing my food,

"Connor what are you doing?" I ask,

"Your food is poisioned." He said in a calm voice, I look at my food,

"Good catch Connor but i'm gonna take it to the lab for more results." I laugh a bit, I put it in a bag and leave it there, we go and wait for Hank in the car as I sleep on Connor

Why is she so tired , Why hasn't she been sleeping?  She looks so peacful and cute.  He looks at me thinking about it and smiles but the thinks about what he thought last

I lift my head softly to see Connor is powered off, I look at him, his face soft and gentle I see my phone and headphones, I listen to "Rewrite the stars." I lay back on him falling asleep slowly, loving his embrace... We wake up a few hours later at the place where a deviant might be...We enter, but Connor pulls me aside real quick,

"Why have you been so tired Y/N?" He asks me, I look at him with dicomfort, thinking he may have pushed his limits,

"I...I had a nightmare that you had...Well...Got critically hurt...Your biocompent was damaged. You said 'A Deviant...Don't let it get away...' As if your life didn't matter... It hurt me alot..." I say looking at him teary, His cheeks were glowing blue,

"Let's get back to Hank..." I say clearing my throat, He looks at me

"Right...." He says to me, We walk back over to Hank, 

"Stay behind me Connor." He says, I knock on the the door no anwser though...

"Detrioit Police Department! Open up!" I say steadly, I kick the door open and pull my gun from my hostler,

"Lets go..." I say in a stern voice, I walk around to see a bunch of pigieons, me and Hank start gagging, We watch Connor go to the bathroom while we looked for the Deviant, I heard something come from upstairs, and then someone fell on me,

"AH!" I scream loud enough that Connor heard me scream, Devaint ran out while Connor helped me up, he started running after it, me and Hank look at each other and shrugged we followed Connor, I found a way to get to the devaint quickly, I waited for him to appear, I run and jump on him, he hits me in the head, and throws me to the side and kicks me to the point i'm clinging for dear life,

"HELP!" I shout Connor sees me he told hank to get the deviant, He grabs me I look at him terrefied that I  might have died, 

"T...Thank you Connor..." I say holding onto him,

"No problem Y/N now let me help Hank." he says as he runs to Hank and Gets the androind, He ended up jumping off...

"Holy shit!" I say.

Hope is wating for you! (Connor x Reader)(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now