"Jane?" John said, pulling her out of her thoughts. He looked at her with a concerned face. "You alright?"

She gathered her mind. "Yeah- yes. And I think Arthur and I are good. Sometimes... sometimes I just get scared, you know. I want to slow down, and not rush into things with him, but he's an outlaw. He could die any day. And now that he has TB... well, I feel like we have to make the most of our days. I'm just conflicted. I don't know what I feel."

John was silence once again, and appeared deep in thought. "I get what you're feeling. And I see both sides. I wish Abigail and I had slowed down a bit, too. Not that I don't want Jack, it's just that I don't want to raise a kid in this life. But neither of us have TB. So I really don't know what tell you."

Even though she didn't get a straight answer, she did get a sense of security in their conversation. Like someone knew how she felt. It was reassuring.

"You're a good person to talk to," Jane said, patting her horses neck while looking to John.

"I could say the same about you," he paused, and pulled his horse to slow down. "It's just up here."

She slowed her horse down as well, hopping off as John dismounted.

He had lowered his voice significantly. "Now, let's try not to kill anyone. But bring your pistols incase."

She made sure her guns were securely in her holster, which Hosea has kindly gifted her. He had gotten a new one, so figured that Jane could use his old one.

They set off, slightly crouched into a clearing of trees. The house appeared in sight. It was a pretty average sized house, with two floors and painted a worn down blue color. There was a small garden outside, but it had not been maintained. Weeds and shrubs overgrew the dead plants.

"So, what's the plan?" Jane asked, hiding behind a tree slightly.

"Guess we just try to sneak in and out?"

She rolled her eyes. "That's not gonna work. How about... a distraction?"

He glanced at the house. "What kind of distraction?"

"Well..." she thought for a moment, and glanced around the house. "It'd be a shame if their old garden somehow got caught on fire."

John grinned. "I like your thinking. Wait here," he said, then stared off towards the house.

Jane watched nervously as he crept up. He quickly neared the garden, and she prayed that no one would see him.

After a moment, John ran back over to her, with a growing fire behind him.

"Well done." Jane was still tucked behind the tree as two men ran out of the house, probably father and son.

He nodded, and began to move towards the back of the house, making sure to stay far enough away from the men.

They were shouting and running for their water pump. The older man looked like he was going to explode as the younger one ran back and forth. Their small water bucket was no match for the fire, though.

They crept into the house, and John made his way to the second level.

The house was pretty nice. They had expensive alcohol sitting around, and their food cabinets were overflowing, which she helped herself to.

Jane search around, and was delighted when she pulled two hundred dollars out of the chimney. She also got a gold pocket watch, and a silver harmonica.

"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur Morgan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now