Chapter Twenty Six: Paranoid

Start from the beginning

I glared at Ash. "Alright, next time you cook and I'll make the fire unless you want to go hungry."

"I think I will," was all he responded.

Taking a bite of my own portion, I realized he was right but still ate. It was better than nothing and I had to keep my strength up. I'd sooner fight a Predator than admit that Ash was right.

Finishing up with what passed as 'dinner,' the three of us lay on our respective bedrolls. No need for tents as of now. The rock shelter would suffice as protection.

The fire slowly died, the burning embers flickering out, one by one. Ash and Dakota were fast asleep, but I lay wide awake. Hours passed by, but my eyes refused to grow heavy. Instead, I counted the constellations in the dark sky.

Finally giving up on sleep, I got up quietly, making sure not to wake the others.

The rain had stopped over the course of the night, and I cautiously ventured out. Scaling the hill above the rock outcrop, I reached the top of the hill. The fresh breeze gently played across my face.

Unbid, my mind flitted back to Adrian's brother. Covering my mouth, I held in a sob building in my chest. Silent tears flowed down, dripping onto my neck and clothes.

My fault.

I should've been faster.

I could've saved him.

Like a whisper, the soft wind dried my tears. A warm jacket slipped over my shoulders. Turning my head, I saw Ash behind me, his expression showing a hint of concern. His arms encircled me, and I rested my cheek on his shirt briefly, enjoying his comforting presence though I had only met him less than a day ago.

"I thought I heard you come up here," Ash sighed, his breath ruffling my hair.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words would come. Closing my eyes, I said nothing, just held onto Ash's jacket. The only thing we could do right now to help was comfort each other as, maybe not friends just yet, but allies. While our losses stung, we had a single goal: to see the Predators gone from this earth.

His embrace tightened, and he murmured, "I know. I know it hurts. It still does."

Blinking open my eyes, I stared at the moon's waning form. The one who was responsible for all of this. But now I found strength in its bright, distant form.

I took in a deep breath, steadying myself. Ash didn't react, and I looked up at his stormy gray eyes. He was taking in the lay of the land, eyes flickering from one point to another. Ash's gaze met mine and I quickly looked away. I felt my face grow warm and expected him to comment, but he stayed silent.

Eventually, he led me down the hill without a word. I nodded my thanks to him, trying for a smile but faltering.

Ash jerked his thumb behind me, indicating that he was going for a flight. After confirming that I understood, he shifted, taking off.

I watched him for a bit, then lay back down, finding myself weary. Cushioning my head in my arms, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

"Melody, wake up. We have to get going."

Dakota's stern voice reached me and I rubbed my eyes. Propping myself up, I yawned.

Looks like I overslept. Shoot.

Quickly packing my items, Ash handed me my breakfast, his face not indicating that last night had ever occurred.

Eating on the run, Ash briefed us while we traveled, flying dangerously near the ground for our benefit.

"The first place is the Feline's camp. If we really push it, we can make it just before the new moon. According to the texts, the Feline represent fire. Predictions in the scrolls say that the sun's choice is almost always a female. She comes from a specific family of Feline. The same one each time actually. It won't be too hard to find her then. The family name is Leonari and they only have two heirs. They're twin sisters, so that complicates things a bit. We'll scout out and try to get the Chosen to come before the Predators strike again."

The overload of information shocked me. Leonari, couldn't be. It couldn't possibly be her. She'd left me alone in this world...anyone but her.

Not the one who tried to kill me.

While I was still trying to process this, Dakota expressed his skepticism."How did you find out about all of this? What are you, a stalker?"

Ash's exasperated reply shot back, "No, I'm not that low. You'd be surprised how easy it is to find lists on this in your library and my scrolls. I had a lot of time to kill. I always research this stuff in my spare time."

Dakota rolled his eyes. "So you're a bookworm on top of being a stalker. Okay then, not exactly any weirder than this whole thing is already."

An annoyed caw was all that Dakota got in reply. Ash beat his wings, rising once more above the forest. He gave Dakota a look before flying ahead.

All that I got out of that conversation was that increasingly more difficult challenges were coming our way. I was going back to face my parent's wrath. I had to save my brothers' lives or souls by the time the Predators attacked again. And the next of the five happened to be the very one who stabbed me in the back.

Figuratively, of course. Or maybe not.

No worries, I would deal with this.

We kept the hard pace up, occasionally taking a break for a couple of minutes before hitting the road again. Ash insisted on diving us on, even though we could both see how tired he was getting. Dakota was slightly lagging behind me as well. I stayed on course, but my stamina was running out.

The journey to the Feline camp was rather uneventful until we met the most unlikely person on the final day of travel.

(Side Note: Kind of a filler chapter, sorry. But hey, no worries, cause I'm still updating tomorrow! And just a question, who do you want me to draw/sketch beside Ash, cause I already drew him? I can't guarantee that the pic will be up by, say, tomorrow, but I'll try.)

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