Chapter 24 ~ The Two Ghosts

Start from the beginning

She was right again. Anne most certainly had his number. Letting out a defeated sigh, I nodded my head. "Sure, I'll do it... Some time."

"You'll do it today, Louis. Not tomorrow or next week. Today. You hear me?" She said stubbornly, making me think of the curly haired boy and his stubbornness. Why did I surround myself with these people?

"Fine, mom. I'll do it tonight," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Good," she smiled.

By now, we were outside her gates so we slowly came to a halt. "See you tomorrow, Louis, and if you haven't texted him by then, I'm gonna take matters into my own hands, alright?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "I thought you hated him though?"

She tilted her head, pursing her lips. "Nah, I just thought he was an ass for breaking your heart, but when I noticed how much he means to you, I couldn't possibly hate him. You love him, Louis," she shrugged as if it was nothing.

She was the best friend you could possibly have. I was so damn lucky, I swear.

"You are one of a kind, Hannah," I said in amusement, the bitterness I'd felt ever since Harry left leaving my body by the second.

How could it not when she was encouraging me to contact him?

She gave me a warm smile before taking a step forward to give me a tight hug. "I know I'm awesome, but I won't be so nice if you don't listen to me."

I rolled my eyes as we pulled away. "I will, gosh."

"Good," she said, turning around to walk through her gates. "See you tomorrow, Louis."

I nodded as I gave her a wave. Then, I walked the last bit home, my hands in my pockets as I thought of her words. Was it even worth trying to contact Harry? He was surely not going to answer me anyway. However, she was right about the fact that I would at least know if he really meant everything he said to me the last month if I did.

Once I stepped into my house, I walked right into the living room where Lottie was sprawled on the couch, a bowl of ice cream in her hands. She looked up when I made an entrance.

"Look at that, you seem to be feeling better," she noted.

I shrugged, sitting down at her feet. "Hannah broke up with me," I explained trying my best to stay serious.

It seemed like she bought it because her eyes narrowed at me. "And you're feeling better because of that?" She asked in confusion.

"Well, considering the fact she broke up with me because she knew I was in love with someone else and because we are still very good friends, I don't really see it as a problem."

She looked shocked by my words, her mouth hanging open. "You... She... I... You finally admitted you love Harry?" She exclaimed.

"Not really..." I trailed off. "She found out herself."

"Wow. I... I'm shocked. Hannah is really someone," she concluded. "Who thought she would ever be supportive of you in another relationship?"

I shook my head. "I was just as shocked as you are. She is really awesome."

"What did she say though? That she didn't want to be with you anymore because you are in love with someone else?" She wondered, raising her eyebrows. By now, the bowl of ice cream was long gone from her mind, all of her attention locked on me. She had also lifted herself into a sitting position, so into the conversation was she.

"Yeah, kind of," I said. "She suggested I text him tonight and tell him to come back. That way I will know if he really means what he's been trying to say to me the last month."

Lottie seemed impressed. "That's actually a really good idea. I'm disappointed I didn't come up with it myself."

I was quiet for a second, biting my bottom lip. Lottie snapped it up right away, her eyebrows furrowing together. "What are you thinking about?"

Sighing, I turned to look at her. "I just don't know if it's even worth a try. I'm just going to be disappointed and I don't know if I'll be able to handle yet another turn down from him," I muttered.

She rolled her eyes, reaching out to hit me in the back of my head. "You're such a damn coward. Live a little and dare do something about it. Otherwise, you'll never know how he really feels and you'll go around wondering about it for the rest of your life."

I pursed my lips, crossing my arms over my chest. Instead of answering her, I reached out to grab the remote to the TV on the coffee table and turned it on. Lottie tried to grab the remote from me to get my attention back, but I held it out of her reach.

It wasn't to my luck, however, because the next second, the woman on the television mentioned a very known boy's name, making Lottie stop her attempts at grabbing the remote. And if she didn't, she would have had it in her hand by now because my attention wasn't on it anymore either.

All four eyes were focused on the screen, staring at the brown haired woman as she introduced the curly haired lad to the stage. Lottie and I were quiet as the song started playing and Harry came into view.

He was wearing a black t-shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans and brown boots. Around his silky brown curly, he had a brown bandana, and to be honest, I had never seen him look so beautiful before. He usually didn't wear those kinds of clothes, but damn, he was hot.

My mouth was hanging open as he started singing, and it only widened when I instantly recognized the words. "Same lips red, same eyes blue. Same white shirt, couple more tattoos. But it's not you and it's not me."

It was the sentences I had received along with the roses. Had he really made it all into a song?

"We're not who we used to be, we're not who we used to be. We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me. Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat."

I gulped at the words. It was about us, there was no doubt about it. It was clear as day. I figured Lottie realized this as well because she was staring at the screen with shock written all over her face.

When the song came to an end, Lottie finally grabbed the remote from my hand and turned the volume down.

"Brother, I give you no other choice but to contact him."

I didn't say anything as I bit my bottom lip while staring at her. A second later, I fished my phone from my pocket, dialing a familiar number, my eyes locked on my sister the entire time.

"Hey, Anne..."


Alright, alright guys! What do you guys think of Hannah? Isn't she just awesome? I love her character.

Do you think Louis should contact Harry?

Thank you all for your lovely comments. You're awesome guys. You know how much I love you.

Pauline .xx

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