"Alright, I dare Cole to give a lap dance to anyone of her choice." Says Jim who held a sneaky smile on his face. Cole giggled as she looked around the table, she already knew who she was going to choose, so she stood up and walked around the table then stopped in front of Marcel. She turned around and bent over in front of him. Cole threw her ass back on him for about twenty seconds. Sierra was cheering her on as Cole twerked on her brother. Carlos and Jim were whistling playfully and Gina sat in her seat looking upset.

"My turn, I dare Gina to eat someone else's food from their plate.." Cole smirked. She wasn't being petty, most of her dares were wild for everyone, she just hadn't had a chance to pick Gina yet and now was the perfect time.

Gina frowned and shook her head, "I'm not doing that nasty shit." She spat crossing her arms over her chest firmly.

"Damn, why you gotta be the pooper of the group? I dared everyone to do some crazy shit, even Marcel and they all did it but you wanna act all high and mighty like you too good to play this game." Cole rolled her eyes fed up with Gina's weird behavior. Since they had left the house, Gina had been throwing slick shot at Cole but she let it slide not wanting to ruin the groups fun.

"You didn't make anybody eat anything.." Gina shrugged her shoulders stubbornly.

"I dared, Sierra to drink another persons drink and she didn't even know what it was, she damn near threw it up. You just making up excuses, but it's okay boo if you don't got the guts just say that." Cole laughing only pissed Gina off.

"Let's go swimming," Marcel suggested and everyone nodded their heads. "Did y'all know our hotel got a big ass pool underground?"

"What you mean underground?" Sierra questioned curiously. "Like under the building?"

"Yeah," Marcel nodded his head as everyone stood up, getting ready to leave. "I haven't seen it but I saw it in the hotel pamphlet, the shit look nice from the picture." They all walked out of the restaurant and headed down the busy sidewalk back to their hotel. Marcel noticed Cole walking behind them, she was still a little upset with Gina and she didn't feel like walking with them.

Marcel fell behind the group and let Cole catch up to him. He threw his arm around her shoulder and the two of them walked together. "You okay?" He asked looking down at her.

She smiled and nodded her head, "just trying to steer clear of the negative energy." She replied wrapping her arm around his waist. He nodded understandingly the two of them walking inside the hotel. "I'm trying my hardest to be the bigger person and not ruin your birthday trip but if Gina keep trying me, imma fuck her up."

Marcel chuckled, "I know," he says. No one knew this but two times he had pulled Gina off to the side to tell her to chill out with the petty stuff. Now, he was done telling her anything because at this point he felt like whatever he said she wouldn't listen.

Once they got up to their floor, Marcel and Cole headed to their suite where everyone else had already made it. He used the key card to get inside and the two of them walked down the hall to his bedroom to get ready.

It didn't take Carlos and Jim long to get ready and Gina was right behind them as the three of them walked back to the front. "I got a question." Carlos started as they all took a seat on the couch. "What's your problem with Cole?" He asked Gina. He wasn't trying to be messy but he didn't like how petty and childish Gina was being towards Cole for no reason.

"I don't have a problem with her," Gina lied shrugging her shoulders as Carlos and Jim both looked at her like she was stupid.

"Gina, we not stupid, we hear the shit you say and every time she let you slide, next time she might not be so nice.." Jim trailed off thinking about how Cole smashed her sisters skull in. To him Cole was a sweet, fun girl, he definitely saw why Marcel liked her but he knew she was not someone to mess with. This was a girl that spend ten years in prison for no reason. He was sure she still had pent up anger, ready to be taken out on someone that deserved it and he had feeling Gina would be next.

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