Part 14- Surprise!

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"Now, go back to your camp" Dec instructed. "There's a surprise install for you all later"

With that, I left.

I couldn't wait to hear what the surprise was!


Harper's POV

Joe, Liza and I were all lying on our mats, bathing in the sun whilst we were waiting for Jack to get back from the trial. I was so eager to be told how he did. Any of amount of stars would've meant he'd done well because then he would've still given the trial a go.

"How many stars do you think he'll come back with?" I asked them.

"Maybe seven at least" Joe said.

"Yeah same" Liza said.

"Yeah i'd say seven or higher" I replied. "He always gives stuff a go"

"I'm dreading when the time comes me for me to do a trial" Liza laughed.

"Same" Joe laughed.

"I'm kinda mixed about it" I said. "Like of course i'd be nervous but it's also part of the whole experience. I wanna make sure I have a go at everything the experience has to offer"

"Yeah, I get what you mean" Joe said.

"Still, I don't fancy doing one" Liza said and we all laughed.


The three of us were just finishing trying our best to tidy up the camp and make it look the slightest bit like home when I heard a rustle of bushes. I turned around to see Jack walking into the camp.

"Hey guys" he said, walking through.

I had to say, although Jack and I were standing a good distance a part, the stench that came off him was revolting. He had green goo that looked like slime and a selection of bits and pieces which seemed to come off creatures.

"How many stars did you get?" Liza asked.

"Eight" he smiled, showing a slight proud smirk.

We all jumped up and down and cheered for him.

What could I say? Jack got us our only chance of a proper meal for the day. We were so grateful and so proud of him.

After getting a shower from the trial left on his body, Jack walked into camp. I saw he had a laminat in his hand.

"This must be what they meant by a surprise" he said.

We all sat up and listened attentively.

"Campmates" he read. "Congratulations! Tomorrow your time in snake rock will be over!"

End of part 14


Hope you all liked the part! Sorry this is quite a short one. I just wanted you to know what the surprise was just in a separate part. Well, until next time!

Rachel x

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