Chapter 2 - Discovery [REWRITTEN]

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Gavin huffed impatiently as he glared down at his phone, his foot tapping against the floor as he sat his desk, waiting for the 'lazy drunkard' to arrive to work. He was late, again, and it was pissing Gavin off. He hated being partnered with Hank, it was a real hindrance having to wait for him. If he were to be working on his own he would probably be halfway through the case by now. Probably.

Hank walked into the precinct with a soda in one hand and burger in the other, almost 2 hours late for work. Gavin glared harshly at Hank and Hank just rolled his eyes in return, not wanting to deal with Gavin's moody asshole bullshit today, especially not with a hangover.

"God you smell like shit, try showering after your miserable drinkfest, fucking alcoholic prick," Gavin hissed towards Hank, who just flipped him the middle finger in return. Yea that was a bit harsh of Gavin to say, but he was annoyed that Hank would have the nerve to be late and put them behind schedule. 

"Got any information on that address?" Hank grumbled, motioning over to the piece of paper that Joanna had given them which was laying on Gavin's desk. Gavin nodded and turned the terminal slightly so Hank could see. He showed that it was an indeed an old abandoned military facility on the outskirts of Detroit, in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

"It's very secluded, out in a desert area with no surrounding buildings, the perfect place for illegal activities," Gavin noted, returning the terminal back to his original position. "Oh and uh... Miss Sterling was reported missing last night, a relative came by to see her and she wasn't there, there were also signs of a struggle so it's most likely that she was taken by force." Hank sighed in frustration, running a hand through his long, graying strands of hair.

"She should've taken our offer..." He mumbled before heading over to the breakroom to throw away the now empty cup of soda and burger wrapper.


The drive to the military base was long and boring, Gavin even dozed off a few times. The surrounding environment as they entered into the desert-like area was dull and dusty, Hank just wished he could drink away his boredom right now.

After an hours drive, Hank stopped the car outside of the large military base. It looked rather abandoned, not really what he was expecting, there was no one in sight. Gavin yawned and got out of the car, frowning as he looked at the building.

"This place is creepy as hell," he grumbled, Hank made a small grunt of agreement. They building was made of dark grey bricks that was mostly hidden by overgrowing ivy and vines, a few of the windows were smashed and the inside of the building looked dark and dead.

"So, you gonna go in first? I'm too old to go into dangerous places like this, I might break my hip," Hank said with a grin. Gavin glared at him and shook his head.

"Fuck no! I ain't going first, it's pitch black in there!" Gavin raised his voice, completely refusing. Hank chuckled lightly, amused by the response.

"Aww~ are you scared of the dark? How precious~" Hank teased before letting out a yelp of pain as Gavin kicked him in the shin, walking off towards the building. It took Hank a moment to recover before catching up with Gavin who was now at the front door, trying to force it open but with no luck.

"Fuck... is there another way in?" Gavin huffed and Hank looked around, spotting a cellar door a few feet away.

"There," He said, pointing to it and walking over. He crouched down and noticed that there was a padlock on the door on the door. Gavin was already one step ahead, coming over with an axe that had just been discard in one of the long patches of grass. He raised the axe and slammed it down on the lock, breaking it with a loud slam.

"Nice one," Hank said as he pulled back the two large doors, revealing a set of stairs that lead down into the dark basement. Gavin gulped, looking nervous. Hank rolled his eyes and got a small flashlight out, turning it on and shining it down into the darkness before walking down the steps. Gavin followed closely, he really didn't like the dark.

Once they were inside, they were met with a long corridor with rooms leading off on the sides. Hank and Gavin began to investigate each of the rooms, not finding much except for broken furniture and dust. They also spotted the occasional android limb strewn about which they took photos of for evidence.

The two eventually, and reluctantly on Gavin's part, decided to split up to cover more ground, Gavin taking Hank's little flashlight and Hank using his phone light. Gavin still couldn't find much, finding this to just be pointless but he knew they had to be thorough.

"Uh... Reed? You might wanna come and look at this..." Hank called out urgently from another room. Gavin walked over to the room Hank was in and his stomach immediately twisted at the sight in front of them. A pile of dead androids, just thrown on top of each other carelessly, limbs missing from some, other's had their heads beaten in, thirium splattered everywhere.

"Jesus Christ... how long do you think they've been dead for?" Hank asked and Gavin frowned, glancing over at the blue blood.

"...less than a few hours. Blue blood evaporates after a while, they haven't been dead for long which means we're not alone her," Gavin mumbled. Hank looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"How did you know that thing about the blue blood?" He asked curiously. Gavin huffed, a sour frown appearing on his face.

"My half brother told me," He said simply before leaving the room to go back to looking for evidence. Hank stayed back for a moment, taking a few evidence pictures of the body pile and staring in utter disbelief hat someone could do this. As much as Hank hated androids this was just beyond cruel.

A loud thump from the corridor caught his attention, his eyes narrow towards the door. That didn't sound like just any object falling to the floor, that sounded like a body.

"Gavin?" Hank called out cautiously. No response. Hank slowly made his way over to the open door and peaked outside, glancing around. There didn't seem to be anyone there, but when he looked down, he saw Gavin's unconscious body. Hank was quick to rush to Gavin's side, noticing that there was a trickle of blood coming from his head, clearly hit by a blunt object.

Hank heard a floorboard creak behind him but before he could turn around, a white cloth with a strong smelling chemical was placed over his mouth and nose. It stung slightly when he inhaled. He struggled against the person gripping him from behind but he couldn't get out of their grasp. He felt lightheaded, his vision going blurry and his body going weak. He slipped out of consciousness, falling to the floor, the last thing he saw was someone standing over him with a nasty grin on their face.


[First major change, as you may have noticed, is that I haven't killed Joanna off straight away! So guess who you'll be seeing in a few later chapters lol]

Detroit: Become Corruptحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن