Chapter 3 - Who? [REWRITTEN]

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[It's been nearly 4 years since I wrote this story and I'm back to continue rewriting it. Can't believe I just straight up abandoned one of the stories I was most proud of. I promise this time I will finish rewriting all 30 chapters. :)]

[Original chapter was 990 words long, the rewritten is 1314 words long.]


Hushed voices was the first thing Hank noticed as he slowly regained consciousness. There were two of them, talking quietly between themselves. Hank tried to move his hands, but soon realised that it would be no use to even attempt, they were tied behind him around a large pillar that ran from the floor to the ceiling. His vision slowly began to unblur and he was suddenly quite aware of the dull headache buzzing in the back of his head. He glanced over to his left to see Detective Reed tied to another pillar a couple of meters away, still unconscious with dried blood on his forehead, almost as if their attacker was trying to kill him instead of just knock him out. The only reason Hank knew his colleague was still alive was because of the faint rise and fall of his chest, he was still breathing.

"W-What were you thinking?" one of the voices hissed with hints of panic, their chat now loud enough for Hank to hear what they were saying.

"I was thinking of our safety, brother. They're humans, humans are not to be trusted, you know this," the other voice argued back, sounding much more callous.

"But what if they're here to help? What if you just ruined our only chance to escape this place?!"

"We don't know if they can be trusted, they were armed, how do we know they wouldn't have shot us on sight?"

"They might not have! Not all humans are bad-"

"False. Humans are evil."

"They aren't! I met a nice human once..."

"Yea? And where is this 'nice human' now, huh? Oh that's right, she left and never came back."

"SHUT UP! I know she cared, she'll come back, I know she will... she promised..."

"Shh. One of them is awake." The colder of the two must've noticed Hank's movements. Hank heard a pair of footsteps leave the room, the other set approached. A pair of feet stopped in front of him and he looked up to see his captor.

Clearly an android, but there were a lot of things different from a regular one to the one that was stood in front of him. This one had many alarming features that he was sure would get the bot dragged away to be disposed of by Cyberlife if he were to be seen in public. The cornea of his right eye was entirely black, where the iris was there was just deep blue, as if Thirium had leaked into the component. There was a deep scar underneath said eye, so deep Hank could see the metallic panelling under the mass of synthetic flesh. The left half of his face was a different story. The eye was completely normal, but the flesh on that side of the face had been completely burned, as if a flamethrower had been taken to it. It was dark and charred, leaving only the metal on show, the edges of the synthetic flesh a dark black. It was a disturbing sight.

"Oh.. You're awake," It said quietly as it noticed Hank was observing him, "... one second." It moved over to Gavin, crouching down in front of him, most likely analysing him. It then raised it's hand up and moved it swiftly across Gavin's face, slapping him hard. Gavin awoke instantly upon impact, wincing and attempting to move his arms, probably trying to hold his now stinging face, but as soon as he realised the situation, he tensed up, shooting a glare up at the android.

"Okay so, I want to ask you both some questions, I would really recommend that you answer or I'll have to get my brother... he doesn't play nice." Hank gulped and nodded, after overhearing their earlier conversation, he didn't particularly want to meet this guy.

"Who are you?" Was the android's first question. Gavin opened his mouth to answer, or to spout swear words at the android. Hank didn't want to risk Gavin's fat fucking mouth getting them into even more trouble, so he spoke first.

"I-I'm Lieutenant Hank Anderson, and that over there is Detective Gavin Reed," he answered simply, wanting to keep straight to the point as to not say anything wrong. The android nodded, seemingly satisfied with that answer. Then his eyes went wide as if realising something.

" two are police...did you come here to help us?" It asked, his eyes staring pleadingly at Hank, praying he'd say yes. Hank remembered the words Joanna told him back at the house, it resonated within his head;

"Just... please promise me you'll help those androids, they're not as lifeless as you'd think."

Hank sighed and gave short of a response as possible, "We were sent to take down an android trafficking ring. This was the location we were provided-" Hank was cut off.

"Who gave you the location.. who?!?" the android asked desperately, his voice frantic. Hank was taken aback by the android's tone, but he answered anyway.

"Joanna Sterling-" but before he could continue what he was saying, as soon as that first and last name left his lips, the android squealed in excitement and rushed off into the other room, leaving the two cops in confusion. They spared a glance at each other, absolutely bewildered.

The android returned a few minutes later, dragging along with him a rather annoyed looking android that looked fairly similar to him, although there were some major cosmetic differences. This other android had piercing blue eyes, both of his corneas were pitch black, making his iris' appear to glow. He was also taller than the other by quite a few inches.

"They knew Joanna!! I told you they were here to help us!" the smaller android said excitedly, bouncing up and down on the heels of his feet. The other android did not look convinced, at all.

"Hmph. I still do not trust them." It grumbled, glaring daggers at the two. If looks could kill...

Gavin finally spoke, glancing between the two bots, "You gonna tell us who the fuck you are yet?" He grumbled, although he quietened down real fast when the taller of the android's stared him down.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry! Where are my manners!" The smaller android said with an apologetic look, "I'm Connor, and this is my brother Conan." He introduced them both despite Conan's grumble of disapproval. Conan then approached Hank, taking a knife out of his pocket. Hank felt his blood run cold and closed his eyes out of fear, until he felt the ropes around his wrists loosen and then fall. He opened his eyes to see Conan had cut the rope binding him.

"Try anything and I won't hesitate to end your puny human lives," Conan growled, moving over to cut Gavin's ropes. Hank nodded, he wasn't that stupid. He felt around his belt to find his holster empty, pistol no longer with him. He sighed, it had probably been confiscated by one of the androids.

"Are there anymore androids in this place, apart from you two?" Gavin asked, rubbing his wrists where the rope had dug in. Connors face drooped, a hint of sadness in his eyes. He shook his head.

"No there isn't.. not anymore. Conan isn't even supposed to be down here, he serves by the Master's side directly. He sneaks off to see me a lot where we often try to plan our escape from this place. We don't like the Master," Connor said quietly, Conan just nodded in agreement. Gavin scowled.

"Ya should introduce us to this 'Master' dude, I'll greet him with my fist to his face," Gavin huffed. Connor's expression quickly turned to one of fear, shaking his head rapidly.

"No no no no, you are not doing that! You'll be killed instantly!! You're our only hope right now..." Connor whimpered, looking like he was about to burst into tears, " will help us, won't you?"

Hank glanced over to Gavin who rolled his eyes and nodded. With a sigh, Hank agreed that they would help the two androids.

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