Chapter 8 - Caught [REWRITTEN]

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[Original - 690 Words, Rewritten - 1017 Words]

"Oi! Wake up, lovebirds!" A voice called out, waking Gavin suddenly. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and cuddled more into the warmth of the bed.

"Five more minutes..." he mumbled, holding the person next to him in his arms a bit tighter.

The person... in his arms...

He opened his eyes to see his and Conan's limbs tangled up, both laying incredible close together. Conan was in stasis, possibly downloading an update or something. He gasped at the closeness and sat up fast, wincing at the dull pain still in his abdomen, not as bad as before though. A bright blush lit up his cheeks as he shuffled away from the bot, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. Conan's LED flickered as he came out of sleep mode and he sat up as well, looking around.

"Did I miss something?" He asked, Hank only chuckled in response, leaving the android confused. Conan got up from the bed and helped Gavin to his feet as well.

"How are you feeling? Does it still hurt?" Conan asked in concern, and Gavin shook his head. It didn't hurt as much as before, it was still a bit sore and any vigorous movements would definitely hurt, but for the time being it was fine.

He saw Connor stood over by the doorway, leaning against it with his arms crossed. Hank joined Connor, and the older man looked back over at them.

"Don't be too long, we've got a few more rooms to look through then we're getting the hell out of here," He stated before leaving the room with the smaller android. Gavin brushed himself off and sighed, not much longer and he'd be back in his apartment, drinking a fuck ton of coffee and stuffing his face with junk food. He felt a tug on his sleeve.

"We should go, there's no point in dawdling," Conan said looking at Gavin, probably analysing him again. Gavin nodded in agreement and the two walked over to the door, Gavin went to walk out but noticed Conan was hesitating. He turned to him and tilted his head questioningly.

"What's wrong?" Gavin asked quietly, stepping closer to the android. Conan looked down at the floor, a sigh leaving his lips.

"I believe Connor is still angry with me," He mumbled, LED spinning red, "He hasn't even spoken to me through the mind communications."

"That's where you talk like, telepathically, right?" Gavin questioned and Conan nodded in confirmation. Gavin sighed and gave him a sympathetic look, putting an hand on his shoulder.

"I can talk to him if you'd like," He offered and Conan shook his head, putting his own hand on top of Gavin's.

"No, I'll try and talk to him myself, it was my fault in the first place," He let out an artificial sigh. Gavin moved his other hand up and pulled Conan into a hug.

"It'll be fine, I forgive you, so I'm sure he will too."


Gavin and Conan caught up to Hank and Connor, the latter two were exploring a few more rooms in the area, Hank of course taking more photos for evidence. The third door they opened revealed a room that was unlike the others. It was clean and bright, the rest of the basement was dark, grimy and unnerving, but this room looked like it was used daily. Hank went about snapping photos and Gavin did the same. Conan approached Connor cautiously.

"...Connor, can I talk to you?" Conan asked, LED flashing an unsure yellow. Connor crossed his arms, glancing at Conan with a small glare but didn't object, "I want to apologise for my actions, I know how hurting Gavin could've been a detriment to our escape... I just... I wasn't thinking in the moment. It was foolish of me and I-"

"Shut up Conan, just... shut up," Connor sighed, rubbing his temple in frustration, "You didn't only almost mess up our only chance of escape, but you completely went against what I said. I told you, do not hurt these people under any circumstances... you promised me you wouldn't lay a finger on them, and what did you go and do? You broke that promise."

Conan sighed, looking at the floor once again, avoiding eye contact with his brother. He opened his mouth to speak again but froze, his LED flashing yellow, going red for a moment before going back to yellow.

"...I need to go, the master is beginning to question my whereabouts," He mumbled before leaving the room quickly, a worried look adorning his face. Gavin and Hank continued their exploration of the room, inspecting the rather large machine at the back of the room. It looked to be some sort of android programming console.

"This is where they reset the androids before selling them on, it's a.... horrible process," Connor mumbled, confirming the human's suspicions. The two took plenty of photos of the machine, adding to the already massive amount of evidence they had collected.

"Great, this should be enough now, we just have to wait for Conan then we can get the hell out of here-" Hank's words were stopped as they cocking of a gun was heard. The three turned around to find two men stood in the door, guns raised.

"Don't fuckin' move," one of them growled, squinting his eyes, "put your hands where I can see them, any sudden movements and I'll put one between your eyes." The three did as they were told, raising their hands slowly.

"Heh, Ethan will be pleased," the other man stated proudly with a toothy grin, the two men approaching the trio. Gavin yelped as the end of a gun hit him in the head, knocking him unconscious. Hank began to back away as the second man walked towards him.

"Y-You don't have to do this-" He began but was cut off.

"Don't hurt them!" Connor cried, charging at the man. Hank could do nothing as the man turned the gun on the android and fired, a bullet going straight through his skull. He could only watch in horror as Connor's body hit the floor. That was the last thing he saw before an impact hit his own head, and the world went dark.

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