Chapter 6 - Divide By 2 [REWRITTEN]

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[Original - 822 words, Rewritten - 1107 words.]

"This place is fucking huge! How the fuck are we supposed to find anything in here!" Gavin whined, crossing his arms out of frustration as he walked along side Hank. The older man huffed and glared over at Gavin.

"Your bitching isn't helping, shut the fuck up," Hank grumbled in response, earning a spiteful look from Gavin.

"Don't you fuckin' tell me what to do, you god damn drunkard," Gavin hissed in return. The two fell into uncomfortable silence, continuing the journey down the seeming endless hallways. Soon they came to a crossroads, stopping them in their path.

"Well now what?" Gavin huffed, looking down both of the hallways. Hank pondered for a moment.

"Hmm... how about we split up? You and Conan go that way-" Hank pointed down the left corridor, "-and Connor and I will go this way. These androids know this place well so they can guide us," he suggested, Connor behind nodding in agreement. Gavin grumbled some words of disagreement, muttering something about splitting up being how people die in horror movies. Even Conan looked hesitant.

Hank and Connor made their way down the right corridor, leaving Conan and Gavin by themselves. Hank assumed they would actually get shit done... maybe.

The two searched the corridor, peering into each room they came across but there was nothing significant to note. Soon enough they came to a stop at a pair of double doors, and upon opening them Hank's eyes widened. Inside was a huge lab, giant test tubes and partially destroyed androids covering the surfaces. Hank felt a shiver go down his spine. He took a deep breath and continued into the room, getting his phone out to take photos. He took note of the fact he had no signal down here.

He snapped a couple of photos, mainly of the androids, test tubes, and some documents left on the tables. As he passed by one of the tables, a hand reached out and grabbed him, startling the lieutenant. He looked down in shock as a deformed looking android stared up at him, but something was off, parts of the android look weirdly... human.

"" The android whispered in a raspy and broken voice. Hank jumped away from it, shaking the hand off of him. It went limp shortly after. Dead.

Hank was still staring, and Connor was in just as much shock as he was. Hank sighed shakily and shook his head.

"This place fucking sucks..." He mumbled, taking his eyes off the android, not wanting to look at it anymore. Connor just nodded in agreement. He continued to wander around the lab and take photos until he noticed Connor staring at one of the large test tubes, an android inside of it, a saddened look on his face. Hank walked over and stood beside him, catching the attention of the android.

"They used to be alive once..." Connor said quietly, not taking his eyes off of the tube, "They had thoughts... feelings... now they're gone, because the master is selfish and cruel. I hate him so much." Connor mumbled bitterly, clenching his fists. He looked up at Hank, his eyes almost pleading.

"You will help us, right? I don't want to end up like them..." He sniffled sadly. Hank looked at him with pity.

"Of course I will, this won't happen to you, I promise."


Gavin kicked a piece of rubble on the floor as he shuffled down the corridor, annoyance written all across his face.

"This place is full of shit... you ever thought of busting out of here?" He asked Conan who was walking beside him. Conan looked at him, eyebrow raised.

"You are aware that this place is locked down tight, right? If I could 'bust out' as you eloquently put it, I would have done so years ago. It's impossible to escape from the inside," He replied matter-of-factly.

"Well... Hank and I smashed a padlock to get down here into the basement, we could escape back that way?" He suggested. Conan pondered for a moment before nodding.

"Yes I supposed that would be a viable method as long as the opening has not been relocked since." The two came across a room that had 'CONTROL ROOM' labelled on the door, Gavin looked at it curiously before deciding to head inside, glancing around cautiously. Large machines lined the walls, all covered in various buttons and switches, none of them turned on though. Gavin took out his phone to take photos, to gather evidence. Conan stood by the door and watched as Gavin did his thing. There were some cabinets full of paperwork, confidential stuff by the looks of it, so of course Gavin went to take out the folders to read them, but as he was doing so he noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye. He frowned and decided to see what it was, creeping closer to it slowly. He froze as he realised what it was.

It was one of the deadly androids.

"Oh for fuck sake," He mumbled right before the android lunged at him, knocking him to the ground with a yelp. Conan immediately noticed the commotion and rushed over, grabbing the android before it could do any damage to the human. The android turned on Conan instead, lashing out. Gavin noticed a metal pipe laying on the floor and quickly crawled over to it, grabbing it and standing up, rushing back over to the two androids, swinging the pipe and hitting the hostile bot with a sickening crunch. He swung multiple times until it stopped moving, and then once more just to be sure it was dead. He sighed shakily, adrenaline still pumping through him. He put the pipe down and looked over at Conan.

"You okay?" Gavin asked, looking at Conan with concern, which confused the said android. He immediately noticed the gash on Conan's face, bleeding blue blood. He stood in front of Conan, reaching his hand up and touching the wound, inspecting the damage. It was deep but it didn't do anything permanent.

"I'm fine, it's nothing serious," He mumbled, slightly enjoying the human's touch but he would never admit that, "What about yourself? Have your stitched ripped at all?" Gavin shook his head in response, the stitches were still firmly in place.

"Fuckin' hell that was an unwelcome surprise, didn't expect one of those fuckers to be in here," he grumbled, removing his hand from Conan's face. The android definitely didn't miss the touch already, definitely not.

"Neither did I, at least you are not hurt," Conan said in a softer tone than usual, wandering back over to the door, "Lets continue on before more arrive due to the commotion." Gavin nodded in agreement, following him out of the room.

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