Chapter 7 - Uneasy Rest [REWRITTEN/NEW]

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[Original - 1196 Words, Rewritten/New Content - 2365 Words]
[BEEEEEGGGG Chapter!!!! I basically rewrote the entire section after Hank and Connor's beginning part, it is completely different from the original lol. The title is different too, original was just called "Rest" :p]

Hank could barely keep his eyes open, yawning quietly and stretching, trying to stay awake. He got out his phone and checked the time, squinting his eyes as the bright light of the screen flooded his vision. 1 O'clock in the morning. He'd been there for so long now, all of the walking, fighting and evidence gathering had left him exhausted. Connor noticed this pretty quickly.

"Would you like to take a break? You look tired," Connor offered, putting a hand on Hank's shoulder. Hank let out a sigh, he supposed a break wouldn't hurt.

"Yea, that's a good idea. Anywhere with a bed? I don't feel like dozing on the floor," He said with a chuckle. Connor nodded at the question and lead him over to a room, upon opening the door he immediately identified it as an old medical bay. There were plenty of beds strewn around the room, Hank decided to head for the furthest one from the door, slightly paranoid of an ambush by the deadly androids. He let out a content huff as he sat on the edge of the bed, feeling himself relax for the first time that day. Connor sat down on a chair nearby.

"I'll keep an eye on the door, if anything comes in I'll wake you," Connor said with a soft smile. Hank nodded gratefully and closed his eyes, but before he could fall asleep, a question came to mind.

"...Do you think Gavin will be okay with your brother? I mean, you did say he hates humans... how do I know he hasn't already kill him?" He asked, but the response he got was definitely not one he was expecting. Connor giggled.

"If Conan hated Gavin, then he would be dead. Conan seems to have taken a liking to the two of you, but Gavin more. He wouldn't usually help a human, and the fact he risked his life to get those supplies to save Gavin... he wouldn't do that for just anyone. Well... except me, but I don't get injured often," Connor explained with a smile. Hank raised an eyebrow. So an android that hates humans has taken a liking to a human that hates androids. Fascinating.

"I see... I suppose those two will have stopped to rest now as well, with Gavin's wound and all," he mumbled and closed his eyes again, hearing Connor hum in agreement.

"Goodnight Hank," he heard Connor say quietly, and he mumbled a 'goodnight' in return before drifting off into sleep.


"Gavin, listen to me-"

"No! I'm not tired! We don't need to stop," Gavin grumbled stubbornly, continuing to walk on, much to the dismay of Conan.

"From what I analyse that is not true, your blood pressure is-"

"To hell with your analysis! I'm fine!" Gavin huffed, walking faster away from the android, which was useless as Conan could easily keep up. The lack of coffee over several hours was hitting him hard.

"If you do not stop, I will rip your stitches out," Conan growled threateningly, losing more and more of the minimal amount of patience he had. Gavin flipped him the middle finger, not responding. That was the final straw.

Conan stormed up to Gavin and grabbed his arm harshly, pulling him backwards and making the human yelp in shock, but that was cut off quite quickly as a hand wrapped around his throat, hoisting him off of the ground and slamming him into the wall. Gavin choked and clawed at Conan's hand around his neck.

"I've had just about enough of your bullshit," Conan hissed, his rage filled eyes glaring into Gavin's fearful ones, "Stop being so fucking stubborn, I'm trying to be nice, but you're making things extremely difficult. If I didn't care so much, I would've killed you hours ago, and nothing's stopping me now. You're going to take a break, or I'm gonna snap your fucking neck. Your choice." Conan finished and released Gavin, said human falling to the floor, gasping for air.

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