Chapter 10

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And you really thought I was so shallow that I wouldn't love you in another body? I would have walked through fire to get you back in any shape or form because I loved you so damn much. Did you really not know that?

Brian sobbed.

I... never thought about it that way.

Kiara groaned.

I think it was easier for you to see me in pain than risk rejection. You underestimated me. You underestimated us.

Brian Sobbed. Kiara Snorted. Brian shot Kiara a reproachful look.

"What?" Kiara asked in exasperation.

"This is an emotional moment, can you be at least a little bit more understanding?"

Kiara opened her mouth in complete astonishment. "You actually expect me to be understanding about this whole dramatic shit? Hello, do you know me at all?"

" Ughhh, I give up. There's just no use talking to you." Brian sighed.

"Why do you even try in the first place? Besides, I don't even understand why do I still have to suffer through your chick flicks? Don't you have a girlfriend now? Just go and watch these shitty emotional stuff with her! Just spare me the Drama already!"

"Hey, hey! Drop Dead Diva is NOT just a chick flick, okay? It's so much more! I mean you'll have to focus on the character development! The character development! I mean just look at Deb! From a shallow, irresponsible and self-centered person she blossomed into a talented, caring, intelligent and amazing woman. Can you believe the character transformation?"

"Errr... doesn't that very character development you are talking about makes up just the classic definition of a chick flick?"

"Fine! But the girl literally came back from death just for the sake of love and the devotion the guy shows for her dead girlfriend....hell, if that is not true love then I don't...."

"Bla...Bla...bla..bla...bla...boring!" Kiara shouted covering her ears.

"Fine. I will stop." Brian rolled his eyes.

"Besides the guy is shallow as hell anyways." Kiara murmured.

"What did you just say?" Brian was curious.

"Nothing." Kiara dismissed.

"No, did you just say that Grayson Kent is shallow? Despite being one of the most devoted lover portrayed in a series? Now I'll just have to hear your logic for that. There's no way you can get away with keeping your mouth shut after that."

"Ughh... fine. It's just, I don't know, I just never got why Grayson even loved Deb in the first place. I mean , you just pointed out yourself that before coming back into the earth as Jane, Deb just used to be this blond, dumb, self-centered girl who didn't have much of a personality. And yet, Grayson was obsessed with her. What do you think was the real reason for his obsession? Was he really in love with Deb as a person, or was he just in love with her beauty or more correctly the beauty standard she embodies? I mean just look at his dating history! His so called soul mate was literally in front of him all these time. And yet, he just kept on having flings after flings with women who just fitted that beauty standard. You can of course argue that Deb had changed as Jane, but doesn't that make Grayson even more of a shallow person? There was this amazing, intelligent, caring woman who was always there for him, and yet, he just kept dating the more physically appealing ones. He didn't even show any interest in her until much later. So after observing his dating history who can even blame Deb for hiding the truth from him? Now he can blame Deb for thinking of him as a shallow person all he wants, but the truth is, he never even gave her a reason to think otherwise." Kiara finished with a shrug.

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