Chapter 9

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"What do you mean?" Heather asked with worry echoed in her voice.

"I mean that you should not be worried about your relationship thinking that Brian is not serious about this but that Brian is too serious about this relationship, maybe more than you can handle."

Heather frowned. "I don't understand."

Kiara took a deep breath and proceeded to explain everything to Heather while silently praying that she doesn't get scared by what she was about to going to tell her. "Look, as I've already told you, Brian is a serious guy. He takes everything in his life seriously and plans for the future accordingly. And his relationship with you is no exception. I don't know what you are expecting from this relationship, but I know what Brian is expecting from this relationship. Everything. He expects everything from this relationship. Marriage, children, a future, everything! He would want to grow old with you, and die by your side. He'd want to go all the way with this relationship. So you need to carefully consider everything. I know it's too early to dump all this on you, you are probably freaking out just by hearing the word "marriage" so soon into a relationship, but I wanted to give you a clear idea of Brian's view of relationships so that you can comprehend and compare if you want the same things from this relationship and can have the time to back away from it if it's not the same for you, before it's too late."

Heather was stupefied. She just stared at Kiara as if she has just seen a creature from another universe and after a long agonized silence, she just whispered "wow!"

"So what do you think?" Kiara asked nervously.

"What do I think?" Heather exclaimed and then grinned broadly, "I think that I must have done something extremely good in my lifetime for me to end up with the best guy in this whole freaking universe! My goodness Kiara, I had no idea that guys like this still exists in this universe! I thought they were as extinct as dinosaurs! Oh Kiyara, I can't express how happy I am to hear all this, thank you, thank you, thank you, oh, I can't thank you enough for this!"

"So you are okay with all this? With marriage and children and everything?" Kiyara asked breathing a sigh of relief.

"You bet I am!" Heather replied with a glint in her eyes. She was shining with happiness, that much was obvious. "Look, your best friend is not the only romantic one here. I am pretty romantic myself, if I might say so. I also used to dream about a home with a loving husband and children. However, I had almost given up on that dream thinking that there doesn't exist such a guy genuine enough, with whom I can live up to that dream. But now that I've found Brian, I can see all my dreams coming true. I love Brian, Kiyara, and I will be more than happy to go all the way with him in this relationship too!"

"That's such a relief! I was worried that you might back off after hearing all this. But it's so amazing to know that you want the same things as Brian! Oh, Heather I am so happy for you two!" Kiyara exclaimed and gave Heather a bear hug.

"Don't worry" Heather smiled, "Now that I've found someone amazing as Brian, I will never ever let him go."


As Kiyara drove through her driveway, she saw a couple of moving trucks across the way. Looks like she's got a new neighbor, she shrugged. She didn't really care, she just hoped they were not as nosy as Mrs Hopkins were.

As soon as she entered her home, she was greeted by a delicious smell and a grinning Brian. "Hi" he smiled lazily.

"Brian! What are you doing at someone's house when they are not even at home?" Kiyara asked with mock anger.

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