Chapter 3

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"That was just magical", Brian sighed happily while Kiara gagged as they got out from the movie theatre, "Movies like this makes you want to fall in love even more! I wonder when that magical moment will finally arrive in my life."

"Yes, I wonder that too! I can't wait to see your prince charming with his white horse come into your life and sweep you off of your feet!" Kiara mocked.

"Oh please, Kiara. I just don't see what the big deal here is. Just because I'm a guy, I'm not allowed to dream about love? What's so wrong with dreaming about something that one believes is the most wonderful thing in the whole universe? Yes that might make me sensitive, and emotional, and overly romantic, and even illogical to some people but I just don't see how it makes me any less of a guy or as you implied, gay. At least I'm man enough to actually express my true feelings without being ashamed of it. Trust me on that Kiara, there are a lot of guys who feel the same way toward love as I do but never express it because they're too worried about their reputation. They think that they won't appear "manly" if they act on their true emotion. But I'm not like them Kiara. I am who I am and I'm certainly not ashamed of myself or my feelings. And no matter how much you tease me these feelings of mine will never change. This is who I am now and this is who I am going to be for the rest of my life. I won't change. Ever."

"Wow, wow, wow! Slow down, champ! What's with you today? Why so cranky? You never react to my teases this way! You know me. I'm always giving you craps but you always handle them with a smile. But what happened today? What happened to my sweet, charming and composed Brian who endures all my tortures happily?"

Brian smiled at this and hugged her. "I'm sorry Kiara. I just ticked off there for a while, though I'm not sure why. I guess I just don't want you to think that I'm gay."

"What?" Kiara pushed Brian off of herself and gave him an incredulous look. "Who told you that I think you're gay, you idiot? I was only being sarcastic back there. Don't you get my jokes anymore, silly? I mean seriously I have to be pretty darn stupid to think that you are gay after all those years hearing you blabbering about your dream girl! I mean, you've been driving me crazy talking about the girl that you are 'destined to be with.'"

 "That's true", Brian said laughing and then he sighed closing his eyes. "Huh. My dream girl. When will she come in my life?"

"I guess, never?"

Brian snapped open his eyes. "Why are you such a pessimist?

"I'm not a pessimist. I'm only practical. How on earth will you ever end up with any girl if you don't date one? How will you ever find your girl when you don't even look for her. What do you think? One day your dream girl will just knock at your door and say "Hey there, remember me? Well, I'm your soul mate so let's get married!"" 

Brian rolled over laughing. "Seriously Kiara, you are really something!"

"It's not funny Brian. Why don't you just date?"

"We've been through this like a million times already." Brian said pointedly.

"Yeah yeah I know. You don't believe in meaningless dating and will only date the girl that you'll fall in love with and all that stuff. But I still don't get your logic. I mean how can you fall in love with anyone when you don't even look at any girl with interest? I'm not sure what the thing "love" is or if even it has any existence or not but if it does how do you plan to venture it? I mean do you just fall for someone out of the blue?"

Brian smiled warmly. "Love is not something that you plan for Kiara, it just happens. And trust me, when the right person comes along, I'll know it. I'll know it for sure. I don't need to go through endless meaningless dating to find her. Destiny will eventually bring her to me. Just one look at her, and I'll know, she's the one."

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