Chapter 5

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One week later

“She is just so perfect, Kiara! I still can’t believe that someone so perfect actually exits on earth! Everything she does, everything she says, every single thing about her screams perfection. Have you seen her eyes? Oh her eyes! I can easily lose myself into their depth and never come back. And the innocence that those eyes held! Oh God! Kiara, it could be the death of me. And …….”

Two weeks later

“….and her smile! When she smiles it’s like the whole world lights up and sings the song of joy. That smile has the power of healing every pain, every sorrow that reside in one’s heart and bring a smile of their own on their lips. And the sound of her laughter! When she laughs it’s like the most melodious music playing in your ear. It’s….it’s simply magical, Kiara, simply magical. And…..”

One month later

“ ….. and every time she slowly removes her silky hair strands that comes in front of her lovely face with her finger, I just can’t turn my eyes from her. She does that so gracefully, it’s almost like an art and my fingers crave to touch those soft hairs of her. And have you ever noticed her hair when she is under the sun? When the sunrays touches her hair it… it glows! Like gold! It’s such a magnificent sight to see! It’s like.. watching.. an angel in heaven! And….”

Three months later

“……I mean isn’t she just amazing? Did you see how gentle she was with those kids? I bet she likes kids. God, how can someone be any more perfect? She is beautiful, she is intelligent, she is kind, she is gentle, she is good at her work and she is good with kids! Can you really blame me for liking her so much? How can anyone help but not like her? How can anyone help but not fall for her? She…”


“ made me fall in love with her the moment I saw her! I always knew that love was a wonderful feeling but I had no idea that it felt this good to be in love! And the fact that it’s her that I’m in love with, makes everything even more beautiful. I mean I love…”


“everything about her. Her eyes, her hair, her smile, her tears, her joy, her pain, her blush, her smell I am drawn to every single thing that is connected to her. It is even frightening sometimes that…”

“Brian!” Kiara shouted this time and that finally grabbed Brian’s attention and stopped his nonstop one-sided conversation which had the sole topic of singing songs of Heather Brown.

“What?” Brian asked confusedly.

Kiara sighed and took a spoonful of the red velvet cake served to her. “Here,” she said as she shoved the spoon into Brian’s mouth, “taste this and tell me how it is.”

Though primarily startled by Kiara’s sudden attack, Brian forgot all about it as soon as his tongue came in contact with the soft delicious thing that soon filled all his senses with its rich taste remembering him all over again why red-velvet cakes were his favorite.

“It’s good, really really good. I meant it’s super delicious!”

“Super delicious you say? Well then,” she said as she handed over the plate to Brian, “Why don’t you just eat this super delicious cake of yours and spare my poor old brain for once? I’m sure this tastes far better than my brain! ”

“What? What do you mean? I don’t understand.”

“You don’t understand! You don’t understand! For the past three months you’ve been continuously eating my head out and driving me into a complete nuts by your non-stop praise songs of Heather and you tell me you don’t understand! From the moment you have first laid your eyes on her, every single day, every single moment I’ve spent with you were spent with me constantly hearing you saying, ‘Heather is this… Heather is that..’, I mean I get it that you are crazy about her and all but I’m in my limits now!”

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