Chapter 4

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One hour later.

“Ouch!” Kiara flinched as Brian tried to apply medicine on the small wound on her forehead wich made Brian flinch as well.

“Just leave it Brian,” Kiara tried to persuade him again, “It’s just a small cut. You don’t need to tend it. It’ll heal itself in no time.”

Brian ignored her and kept doing what he was doing. Kiara frowned. “Come on Brian, you can’t keep ignoring me. Please talk to me?”

Brian didn’t reply this time either. Instead he tried to put a bandage on her forehead but Kiara slapped his hands away. “What the hell Brian? Why won’t you talk to me? So I beat up some jerks on the street. What’s the big deal here? It was those jerks who were at fault. They started it. I only wanted to teach them a lesson. And I did teach them a lesson. Those bruises that I left them with will make sure that they don’t forget it for a long time. And what are you so concerned about. Where I left them with so many deep bruises, all I got is this poor excuse of a little cut on my forehead. I’m not even hurt! You are not really making any sense, do you realize it?”

“I’m not making any sense!” Finally came the outburst from Brian that Kiara was already expecting. “You go up and pick fights with thugs at night on an empty street where no one could possibly help if anything went wrong and I’m the one who’s not making any sense!  Why can’t you listen to me just once Kiara? Why couldn’t you just ignore them and leave the place without picking a damn fight? Why?”

“Well I was going to listen to you! I was going to ignore them and leave in peace but then that stupid jerk put his dirty mouth on my cotton candy! He dared to touch my hand and my cotton candy! You think I was going to let it go just like that? No. No one messes with Kiara Jones that badly and gets away with it.”

“Oh right! How could I forget that he dared to touch you cotton candy? Why did you let him go? You should’ve at least broke his hands for trying to steal you cotton candy.” Brian said sarcastically and then closed his eyes to calm his nerves.

“Look Kiara, why don’t you understand? Violence is not the solution for everything. In fact it’s not a solution at all for anything. Granted that guy shouldn’t have touched your hand or your cotton candy, he really was a jerk and was misbehaving with you. But that doesn’t mean that you should go and start a fight with him to make them behave. I mean there are laws in the country for Christ’s sake!”

He got up from the couch and started pacing as his nerves again started to pick up thinking about what danger the fight could’ve brought to Kiara. “We could just go to the police and make a report against him. They could’ve taken care of him. But no, instead you had to go and fight with three bug thugs in you own! Do you have any idea how torturous it was for me to watch you fight like that? Do you know how worried I was thinking you might get hurt? Have you got any idea how helpless I felt when I couldn’t help you fighting those guys knowing I’d only get your way? Do you even have any idea how dangerous that fight might have turn into? They could have guns with them Kiara, guns! You might have been killed!” Brian said swallowing the lump that formed on his throat. He couldn’t live with himself if anything happened to Kiara, he couldn’t imagine his life without her. “Picking up fights with street thugs just like that, what are you? Some high school delinquent? What the hell were you thinking? Why can’t you act a little more mature? You are 23 for god’s sake! You have a college degree and a job. In six months, you are going to be……” Brian stopped his sentence as soon as he turned and looked at Kiara. She had fallen asleep on the couch.

‘Great. I had been just talking to myself.’ He shook his head. A warm smile formed on his lips as he watched her sound asleep on the couch without any worry of the universe. He sighed and picked her up in his arms and headed to her bedroom. Reaching there, he gently placed her on her bed and removed her shoes. He then covered her with a blanket and then softly caressed her forehead. “What am I going to do with you, Miss Trouble Jones?” He whispered softly and then placing a light kiss on her forehead, he left her room.

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