Me and Jay walked along the sidewalk and when I brought it up we got into this random heated debate about what a sidewalk is called. Not that it mattered, but you know. "Whatever, I will call it a sidewalk, You call it whatever you like I don't care." Jay chuckles and a smile appears on his face. "If that's what you want to call it and we are out of food. You want to go buy some?" "Who on the face on this planet would say no to food shopping!" Jay laughed at my exclamation, but nods and we walk to the nearest store.


        We had gotten a cart full of mostly just junk food and things for Jay to eat. You know because now I live and have to deal with a veggie. "are we really going to take all this in a cab." I said as I looked at the cart and realized our problem. "We could call my brother. He was coming 'round anyway." I smile as I wanted to see how he would react if I said, "Yes let's call Tom." He rolls his eyes. "And how would you know that that is his name?' I laughed and held my hands up in surrender. "in my defense I was too much of a fangirl and you can't blame me either." He points to himself, "Yes because we were just so attractive." I shook my head. "No I was going to say because you guys made good music, but whatever helps you sleep at night." 

        Jay chuckles as he pulls his phone out. "I'm not going to have to worry about you fangirling am I," He raises his eyebrows. "No dad I am mature." He looks at me with the 'I'm serious look' and I sigh. "Look if I don't fangirl around you or Nathan I think I can handle myself around your brother." He rolls his eyes again and I laugh at the fact that he might be worried about me.

        Jay went down another aisle when I saw a little girl. She was begging a woman I presumed was her mother to buy her things. I got closer so I could take a peak. I have always been told I was nosy. I never said I wasn't. All I saw were shoes, a CD, and a Barbie doll. It was so cute, but when I looked at them closely I saw why the mother kept denying. They were dressed poorly, I noticed the knots in the girls hair, and how they had poorly worn shoes. I knew what I needed to do. 

        I ran in search for Jay. I found him down the candy. 'His Skittles.' I thought. As I ran to him. "Jay give me your card." He sighed. "We aren't even together and you already---" I had to hurry or the little girl and mom would leave. " I mean it Jay it's important." He sighs, but hands it to me as I run back. 

--Jay's POV-- 

        "Okay, but hurry Summer already took my card." I said down the phone. I heard my brother laugh as he said he would be here soon. I put my phone up as I followed where I saw Summer go. When I finally see her talking to some lady. 

        "Oh please, please let me buy it for her. She looks like she really wants these items." The woman sighed, but nodded. Summer grabs the little girls hand and runs with her to the cashier. "Excuse me, but could I know what Summer just did?" "Oh that's her name it's lovely." The lady said. I smiled. "Actually her name is Adriana Sapphire Summers, but I didn't want to call her by her last name all the time so I just call her Summer instead of Summers." The lady nodded in understanding and continued to speak. "God sent me an angel because I have been dying to buy my daughter those then Adriana shows up and insisted on buying them. I refused, but she just kept pressuring me." I laughed.'Oh Summer' I thought. 

        I was about to say something else, but Summer walked in at that moment. "Hey Jay guess what." I turn to face her and shrug. "This beautiful girl named Lacey is a fan of you 'Lads'" Summer said emphasizing on lads since Nathan had "Corrected" her. I smiled as it was rare for me to run into fans, the rest always seem to, but I never do. "Oh really would the little princess like something." She smiled and nodded. "Picture." I smiled as she hid herself in Summer's arms. I took some pictures with her and Summer came in on some others. "I'll take Lacey to get picture copies then you can sign it for her okay Jay." I nodded as Summer was ordering me around. 

        I got a text from my brother saying he was outside. Be there soon. Me and Summer are with a fan. He texted back saying it was okay and that I could take my time. "Do you have a job?" I asked the woman. She shook her head, "My name is Julie by the way and I have tried to find one, but I always get rejected." I felt bad for her. Right when I was going to offer something Summer interrupted once again with pictures and a very smiley Lacy. "Can we keep her?" Summer begged jokingly. Me and Julie laughed. "Oh Jay why don't you offer Julie a job at the studio I could use help with the kids and to set up that party in two more months. Plus then we could get Nathan to come over and Lacey could meet Nathan." I laughed mostly because Summer rambled quite often. 

        "I'm not sure. Julie could we keep your daughter?" She laughed. "So would you work in Our studio." I said. Summer knew I considered it our studio since we agreed she would come to work with me. "Of course I wouldn't deny." Julie said. I smiled and I knew Summer was happy as she just hugged Lacey tight. "Okay Summer we got to pay then head out as Tom is already outside." She nodded and we said our goodbyes.


--Adriana's POV--

        "Okay now when he gets out of the car to help with the food I want you to contain your urge to fangirl." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "You know I am kidding." He hugged me sideways and I just went to the car faster. 

        I saw Tom get out of the car and he looks the same as the last time I had seen him in pictures. "So you are the lovely Summer." I smiled and felt my cheeks heat up. "JAY do you call me Summer to everybody. I swear no one will know my real name by the end of my life." Tom laughed and Jay shrugged. "At least Nathan calls you Adri." "You know you two aren't the only friends I have you know." Tom back away putting the food in the car while me and Jay had this so called "argument." He smirked, "Oh of course not you just met Lacey and Julie."  I rolled my eyes. "No I have my friend Emily." He laughed and we finally helped Tom with the food. 

        "Next time I see you two, you'll both be as fat as fat chipmunks." "Uh Tom that doesn't work well so you failed." I stated. Jay chuckled and Tom rolled his eyes. "I see how well you fit in, so what is your real name since it isn't Summer." I laughed at Tom. I knew me and him we going to get along just fine. "Adriana Sapphire Summers." His mouth went into an 'O' shape. "that's where Jay calls you Summer from you last name." I nod. "I think I will stick with Adriana." I laughed then we fell silent. It wasn't weird just a nice comfortable silence until we got home.

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