TGSF Chapter Three - Beach Volleyball

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Monday, September 13th, 2021

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Monday, September 13th, 2021

Kam's POV

Just like yesterday, we are meeting up with everyone at breakfast. First thing I did was stick my arm with my insulin, then went to take a shower while Cris was still asleep.

My dad hasn't even told me what Cris and I were captains of. All he said was to wear shorts, a comfy shirt, and tennis shoes or sandals because we are going to the beach.

I wore a tank top, shorts, and tennis. Then, I just went downstairs to see who was there. This time, Bliss and Shane were early.

"Good morning, Shane. And, good morning, sis. I love your hair in a puff style. It's beautiful."

"Good morning, my fellow Fiore Crusher. And, thank you."

"Oh boy," Shane says as he rolls his eyes.

"Don't pay him no mind, Kami. I gave him a little tease last night. Do you have any idea what the event is today?" Bliss asked me.

Shane just smirked, "But I sure did have an answer for your tease, missy."

"I sure don't. I do have on my beach attire though. I don't think it is swimming."

"Good morning, ladies. You're Kam and Bliss, right? I'm Kimberly or Kimi. You guys are really fun to play games with. I love it. I can be very competitive."

"You guessed right, Kimi. I like that nickname. We could be twins - Kimi and Kami. And, that's your husband talking to Shane?"

"Yup. That's him. I'm glad Cocoa invited us. Everyone has been so welcoming and friendly."

"That's us for sure. We are like a supergroup or something. Everyone treats each other like family. What's your phone number? I'll give you mine too." Bliss mentions.

Bliss and Kimi exchanged numbers. And, Kimi and I exchanged numbers. "We would love to have you come to Miami for a visit. I hope you don't mind kids. Cris and I have seven - three sets of twins. When we first got married, he let me adopt the two oldest kids. They are from a prior relationship."

"Wow! Three sets of twins? Now that is special. I love kids. I can't wait until Ryder and I have some."

"Hey, Graeme, Niko, and Griffin, ready to kick Cris' butt today?"

"We sure are. And, even I don't know what the event is. He just asked me to supply transportation. Your father is good, Kam. So are Shane's parents, not even a hint."

Shortly after, everyone started filing in Niko's entertainment room. My dad, Adrian, and Brently were the last ones.

Shane had the whole room filled with laughter after what he said, "Hmm, look who is last to enter the room now?"

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