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It was a dark and stormy night (like all typical stories lol) but it was one year till Hogwarts would be open again. We see two children age 10 who will be attending Hogwarts next year come across an object in their home. "What's this?" The one said. "I have no clue" said the other. "Maybe mum can tell us". They walk into the other room and ask what the item is. The mum knows the power of this object and doesn't want the children to know so she obviously lies about the object and tells the children to go to bed. They go to their room and do some research on how to bring a things back to life. "You sure you want to do this" asked the one. "I'm not quite sure yet" answered the other.

They examined the object more closely and it had a keyhole to open it. The one remembered that she was given a key necklace for her 8th birthday. (Yeah I'm starting to give clues for these characters). So she opens it and it's stones. She looks confused to her brother. "Why would the key you got need to open this box" asked the brother. "No clue" answered the sister. "ROSE......OSCAR.GET DOWN HERE NOW" said the mother. So they went down stairs and the mother was wondering why a box was missing from the shelf. "I was going to give you that box for your 11th birthday. But now I can't." Said the mother. "Sorry mum" said both the children. "My Sweet children it's ok it just means you can start planning earlier and by the way you can call me Jane......Jane Dee".

The children run upstairs and start planning this thing that will happen next year at school. They find some info on the stones. The instructions read.

1. Must be done at night fall
2. Place the stones around the area where the person last was.
3. Pour a special potion over top of the area.
4. Read the special incantation. Doesn't work if you say it now.
5. Stand back while still speaking the incantation
6. Great person once ground stops shaking.
7. Congratulations you did it.

"Well that seem like that's all" said Rose "yes that's it" said Oscar. "Let's just write this on parchment tomorrow so we will be ready for Hogwarts next year." "Ok but Waite I see some small print. Oh well it's not important anyway." Said Rose.

The thing Rose missed was May not get the results you wanted. As that plans out over in Germany.......

"Ah it feels good to be back.... I don't remember the last time I was here. It feels like forever doesn't it" said a mysterious man. "Seems like I need to send a message to a dear old friends house."

A week later at the Dees residence. They receive a letter addresses to Rose and Oscar. The mother gives them the letter and they read it up in their room.

"Dear Rose and Oscar,

There is no need to be afraid of a stranger writhing you a letter. I was a great friend of your fathers before he past away in 1998. Don't get me wrong we are still friends. Just when someone dies you can't do anything about it. But with your help at the start of the school year next November. We could be a great team. Do not worry about me I stay hidden. I'll send a message the second week of school. So that gives you time to know the school grounds.
Best of luck and hope to see you soon.
G.G. A friend.

"G.G. Who's that?" Asked Oscar. "A power wizard who is just what we need for this to work." Rose said. "But how do you know about him and I don't" Oscar said. "Well maybe I do. Some research while you sleep." Rose said.

As we advance into the summer of 2018 things have been going quite well for everyone. The talk of the Wizarding World is Hogwarts. Hogwarts took 20 years to rebuild after the battle of Hogwarts. (My Timeline Not the real timeline. Off by 1 year. It's my story). So this is where our story begins with some old friends meeting up again........

Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel 2 : More Chaos Where stories live. Discover now