~chapter twenty six~

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Josies p.o.v:
Jack and I carry on walking down the road. Every time he speaks I jump a little like I am scared. I don't think he has noticed how on edge I have become, I try to relax. I'm with Nash. I love Nash. Don't I?
The longer I am walking the less jumpy I get, but jack seems to get more tense. Soon enough we have done a loop and ended back in the drive way of the house. When we stop Jack picks up the now sleeping Noah and cradles him, swaying slightly. I smile at the sight of it and we both walk inside, I leave the pram in the hallway and slowly pick Grace up as we walk into the kitchen. It is now 7:30 and the other boys are awake? We walk in and they all stare at us. Jack smiles and goes to sit on the sofa with Noah. While I walk over to the breakfast bar with grace.
Andy: and where have you two been?
Jack: on a walk.
I nod.
Rye: why?
Me: crying baby.
Brook laughs: what was jack crying about this time?
Jack scowls: not me.
We all laugh slightly.
Me: where are the girls?
Rye: Ellie is out with Jess getting food...
I tilt my head: Amelia?
Ryes eyes widen: brook didn't tell you?!
I shake my head: tell me what?
Brook: we broke up...
Me: oh fuck I am so sorry.
Brook shrugs: it was mutual, but hey, I am single now right I can just join the cue of boys you have wrapped round your fingers!
I roll my eyes: I only have Nash!
Andy smirks: yeah right. I can name like three off the top of my head.
Me: go on then!
Mikey stands up and coughs breaking the conversation.
Mikey: can I hold grace?
I shrug; that depends are you gonna be rude to me?
Mikey shakes his head and I pass her over, Mikey smiles down at her and I turn back to Andy.
Me: so go on, tell me them!
Andy looks at me: you really don't know?
I smile innocently: no!
Rye stands up: and she doesn't need to! She's with Nash, and her lil' heart will explode if you tell her!
I laugh: it won't!
Andy: he's right it will!
Brook: anyway, you wanna come to the studio with us? We are recording covers!
I tilt my head: with two screaming babies?
Andy: we are in a sound proof booth so we won't hear them when we are in there...
I shrug: you guys want me there?
Rye nods: the other girls won't be back for ages, and now Mikey and jack have the twins they won't wanna say goodbye!
I smile: fine.
(Time skip brought to you by andys dimples)
We've been in the studio for a good 2 hours Blair and ginger came and asked if they could take the twins off our hands for a bit. They haven't really seen them since they were born so of course I said yes, and jack and Mikey begrudgingly gave them over. They are doing a vamps melody (Ik they haven't but just imagine (: ) Mikey and jack have already done their solos and now we are just waiting for Andy, rye and brook to finish theirs. Andy promised me food. I haven't gotten any. It's around 12:30 and I am starving. The boys are all sat quietly on their phones and I am bored. I start to text the girls.
Bestie🌙(Jess): yoooooooo
Sisters💫(Ellie): heyyyyy
Me: what's up?
Bestie🌙: where are you?
Me: the boys dragged me to the studio...
Sister💫: ha. Unlucky you are gonna be stuck there all day!
Me: come entertain me!!
Bestie🌙: about that...
Sister💫: the boys banned us from joining them...
Me: why?
Bestie🌙: we were "too loud"
Sister💫: all we did was jump around on the sofas and bang on the door to the booth...
Me: oh wow, well you two are smart!
Sister💫: aren't we just!
Bestie🌙: bye boo, we are gonna let you enjoy your time there!
Me: really? Your just gonna leave me?
Sister💫: yup! Bye!!!
Me: oh how I hate you two!
I roll my eyes and put my phone down and notice the boys looking at me.
Me: what?
Jack: nothing.
I scowl: why were you staring!
Rye: I told them that if they stared at you it would make you uncomfortable.
Mikey: not ya, we get stared at by fans all the time.
I roll my eyes: well sorry I'm not famous and get awkward when people stare. Now stop before I punch you.
They laugh and look back at their phones.
I sigh and stand up. Mikey notices: where you going?
Me: to get some fresh air.
I walk out and sit on the kirb Mikey follows and sits next to me.
Mikey: I am sorry I was so mean to you the other day...
I smile: it's alright, is it alright to ask what was wrong?
Mikey chuckles slightly: yeah...
He pauses and looks at me and then to the ground: well you see I really liked this girl, and I was.... messaging her right, and she was really drunk. She said she liked me and that she loved me and all that, but she was drunk so....
I nudge him: so, mike that doesn't matter...
Mikey rolls his eyes: and she is taken...
Me: oh- I am sorry mike....
Mikey smiles: don't be, she's happy, so I'm happy.
I hug him wrapping my arms around him and squeezing him tight: that girl has no clue what she's missing out on.
Mikey sighs: oh, I assure you... she does...
Mikey let's go of the hug and looks at me, he looks slightly disappointed, he smiles before standing back up and going inside.
I stay out for a while before going back in. And when I do there is chaos...

Sorry it's short.
Ellie wanted it done.
It's terrible
But here you go
Don't forget to vote 💫
Hope you like it 🌙

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