~chapter eleven~

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Josie's p.o.v:
I wake up early. Everyone else is still asleep. The house is completely silent. It's kind of creepy not going to lie. The house is so big I could get lost and murdered, well that's a bit of an over statement but you get my point.
I check my phone 5:12am.
I try to move but quickly get reminded of Mikey's tight grip around my waist.
When I do move Mikey does too, pulling me closer and readjusting his grip.
I tap him lightly.
Me: mike?
All he does is groan.
Me: Mikey?
Me: Mikey... I need to go to the bathroom!
Still nothing. Well this is great!
I slowly move my hand down so it is wrapped around his and slowly try to remove it. Mikey flinches and then slowly stirs awake.
Mikey: what's going on? What time is it?
I shush him: it's 5 am I am just going to the bathroom...
Mikey smiles sleepily: okay princess...
He buries his head into the pillow and I get up and walk into the nearest bathroom. As soon as I get in there I am sick. Great. Lovely.
I quickly try to clean my mouth out in the sink and then walk back to Mikey's room.
I am fully aware my breath will stink so I look around for my bag.
Mikey: what are you doing?
Me: looking for chewing gum. Or something like that.
Mikey: why?
Me: Mikey I am pregnant, and I went to the bathroom at 5am, why do you think?
Mikey: were you sick?
I nod.
Mikey quickly rummages through his draws and pulls out a bottle of mouth wash.
Mikey: here you go!
I smile: thanks mike! Your a gem!
I take the mouth wash and run back to the bath room.
When I come back into the room Mikey is sitting up on the edge of the bed.
Me: where you going?
Mikey: well I am up... I thought I might as well start my day!
I shake my head: it's to early you will regret it later! Go back to sleep!
Mikey chuckles: you sound like my mum!
I smile: shush! Sleep!
He climbs into bed and faces the wall before saying: are you coming back in?
I shake my head: no, i am going to get ready to head to my dorm.
Mikey sits back up: it's the weekend!
Me: I have a lot of work to do...
Mikey: what do you even want to be?
I shrug: I don't know! I like to write...
Mikey: write what?
I shake my head: it's silly, why you asking?
Mikey: what's the point in going to uni if you aren't doing the thing you want?
Me: mike I have like a year left! I am not quitting yet!
Mikey: you have children on the way!
Me: so?
Mikey: take time off. A gap year!
Me: in the middle of a year?
Mikey nods: come on!
Me: and where would I live? Mum is turning my room into a nursery and bed room! So I can't go back there until it's done!
Mikey: stay with us!
I shake my head: Mikey!
Mikey: what?
I sigh: it's too early for this! Just go back to bed!
Mikey shakes his head: I am only going back to sleep if you go to sleep with me!
Me: Mikey!
Mikey: Josie!
I roll my eyes and climb back into his bed. He wraps his arms back around me and quickly falls back to sleep. My mind on the other hand is still racing.
Why is he being so nice to me?
Why is he being so cheeky?
What the heck is going on?
I must have drifted off to sleep, because I woke up again at 9:00am I look to my left to see Mikey still sound asleep and smile slightly.
I quietly get up and grab my phone before walking down stairs. I sit down on the sofa in the kitchen and look at the notifications on my phone
10 miss calls from "Issi 🥰"
Me: shit!
I quickly ring her back.
Issi: where the hell are you? And why weren't you picking up!?
Me: sorry Issi! I am out!
Issi: you've been out all night?
Me: no! I am at my brothers.
Issi: so you made up with him?
Me: yes.
Issi: good! Now don't scare me like that ever again woman!
Me: why did I scare you?
Issi: you didn't come home and weren't answering my calls! I thought you were dead!
I giggle: sorry Issi!
Issi: yeah yeah! When you coming back anyway?
I pause: actually... I don't think I am... I've been thinking, I might take a gap year... to look after the babies...
Issi: babies?
Me: yeah... I'm having twins...
Issi: oh my god! That's great! Ahhh so many babies for my to spoil! When you come round we are definitely going baby shopping! Ahhh I can't wait!
She pauses: But why a gap year?
Me: I think it's best... uni is stressing me out. And the nurse on campus did recommend it. So I'm sure they will let me.
Issi: a gap year now? In the middle of a term?
Me: yeah. I mean the babies have to come out 1-2 months early, and that leaves me with 3 months before I have to go into hospital...
Issi: okay, but as long as we stay in contact!
Me: of course we will Issi! I'm not dying!
Issi: okay! I have to get to work! Bye!
Me: bye!
I put my phone down and sigh. As if he was on cue Alex walks into the kitchen.
He rubs his eyes and looks at me.
Alex: what are you doing up?
Me: I could say the same to you elvis?
Alex: I'm going for a run, your turn!
Me: I'm pregnant!
Alex nods: ah, yeah, I don't know much about that.
Me: about what?
Alex: I don't know much about your pregnancy, all I know is it made rye mad.
Me: yeah, that's because it could be his friends baby...
Alex looks shocked: who?
I look at the floor: Jack...
Alex: oh...
Me: or Mikey or Harv...
Alex: OH!
Me: yeah!
The room goes silent. And then the door opens.
Mikey: I heard my name!
I roll my eyes: speak of the devil.
Mikey looks at me and smirks: what were you talking about.
Alex scowls: your over active sperm!
Mikey laughs nervously: w... what?
I cross my arms and glare at alex: nothing! We were just talking about the babies fathers...
Mikey: oh...
Me: yeah... Alex! Aren't you meant to be on a run?
Alex nods and runs out of the doors and into the forest behind the house.
Mikey sits next to me: josie...
Me: yeah?
Mikey: can we talk?
Me: Mikey...
Mikey: no! Let me speak please!
I look at the floor: okay...
Mikey: Josie, what's going on with us? Because I want to know, we hit it off in the summer!
I look at him: Mikey I was drunk I wasn't thinking straight...
Mikey looks hurt: I wasn't drunk...
I tilt my head: I let you take advantage of me, I shouldn't have because now it's confused you. I don't think of you like that Mikey I...
I get cut off by Mikey: do you even care about me?
I nod: of course I do Mikey! What sort of question is that!
Mikey looks at me with tears in his eyes: so have you ever considered how I feel?
I gulp: how do you feel?
Mikey: isn't it obvious, Josie, I like you... a lot. Why do you think I came to see you even though your brother made it very clear I wasn't allowed to! And made you two make up!
Me: I didn't know you were doing that to get on my good side mike! I thought you were being a good friend! Like you used to be! When you were dating...
Mikey: liv? Josie, when I was dating her I still liked you, but not in that way, i only realised it when you came to visit us.
Me: while you were still dating liv?
Mikey: barely she was cheating...
Me: mike... I just can't...
Before I can finish my sentence I am cut off by a pair of lips softly brushing against mine. I want to pull back, but I don't. He is the one who breaks the kiss.
Me: Mikey I....
Mikey: why didn't you pull away?
Me: I don't know...
Mikey: did you want to?
I nod and then shake my head.
He smiles slightly: is that a yes or a no?
Me: Mike! I have no clue! You took me by surprise!
Mikey: would you want it to happen again?
Me: what sort of questions are these?
Mikey: if I told you I was going to kiss you again would you stop me?
Me: I don't know!
Mikey smirks: I'm going to kiss you again.
I do nothing, again allowing his soft lips to connect with mine. He kisses slowly, passionately. I still don't move away.
Mikey breaks the kiss again.
Mikey: you didn't do anything...
Me: I know... I'm fully aware of that...
Mikey: so?
Me: I like you Mikey... I'm just not in the position for a relationship...
Mikey scoffs: Josie, you are pregnant with children that could be mine, I think your fine...
I shake my head: don't try me!
I slowly get up and walk in to the kitchen trying to make sense of what just happened. Mikey follows me.
I turn around so my back is facing the sink.
Mikey hops up onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. Still smirking.
Me: wipe that smirk off your face! This isn't funny!
Mikey: I don't think it's funny!
I roll my eyes and turn to the window. I hear Mikey hop down and then there was no movement. I can't see his reflection because the blinds are still down. So instead I turn around and I am greeted by a pair of bright blue eyes. His hands are on the counter either side of me.
I cross my arms: what?!
Mikey: nothing!
Me: move please!
He doesn't.
I look up into his eyes again. They are so blue, like sooo blue. I could get lost in them, and I think I did because before I knew it my lips were against his again. This time it was me kissing him not the other way around. My hands were placed gently on his cheeks and my lips were softly brushing against his.
I stop and bring my hands down slowly.
I look at the floor: I...I am sorry...
Mikey smirks: don't be... I liked it.
He removes his hands from beside me and steps backwards.
I stay still.
Mikey: so what are we?
Me: nothing! We are friends!
Mikey: friends that have just kissed 3 times in the last ten minutes?
Me: ugh! Mikey! Stop please!
Mikey: I didn't even kiss you then! You kissed me! Not my fault!
Me: okay, what ever! But can we drop this!
He shakes his head: no! Josie Beaumont, will you be my girlfriend?
As he says that Jess and Ellie walk in.
Jess: where's my bitch!
I smile and walk away from Mikey and that horrible conversation

Hope you enjoyed this chapter 🥰
It's a bit longer then normal to make up for how long it's been!
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