~chapter two~

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Josie's p.o.v:
The rest of the journey home we were sat in silence and I was still giving issi the death stare for telling my brother that we live with boys!
Like hello! You aren't meant to do that.
After about 10 minuets she looks at me and rolls her eyes, taking out her earphones.
Issi: what?
I shake my head: nothing!
I look at my phone and start to put my headphones in when jack puts his hand on my shoulder making me jump.
He just smirks: what ya doing?
I roll my eyes: I was gonna listen to music but you stopped me!
Jack laughs: sorry... please continue...
I smile sarcastically and then place my headphones back on. I start listening to the vamps.
Jack: psssttt!
I turn around: WHAT?
Jack: your mad it doesn't matter...
I tilt my head: huh? I can't hear you!
I take off my headphones and smile.
He smiles back: we are nearly there... you might need to wake up your friend...
He points at issi and I smile.
She instantly wakes up shaking her head: what?
Me: nothing! I said we are nearly home!
She rolls her eyes and looks at her phone: you bitch Shawn hasn't posted a thing!
That makes me and the rest of the boys burst into laughter.
Me: sorry issi... you love me really!
Issi: thats debatable...
Rye: guysssss!!!
Me: what?
Rye: we are here!
Me, issi, rye, jack, Mikey and Ellie hop out of the car.
Jess: you want us to stay or will you guys get an Uber back?
Rye: Uber don't wait for us! I need to see these 'boys' Josie lives with!
Rye kisses Ellies cheek and she hops back into the drivers seat.
I roll my eyes: right then let's go!
Issi walks a head of us
I try to catch up with her: oi mate slow down!
Issi shakes her head: no! I am hungry!
I roll my eyes: can't compete with that...
She laughs and I wait for the boys to catch up with me.
Jack: so these boys...
I stare at him and cross my arms
Rye: yeah... what's their names?
I just sigh: you'll find out when we get there! Won't you?
Jack and rye both nod and Mikey laughs
Me: Mikey what are you laughing at?
Mikey stops: nothing...
I roll my eyes and pick up the pace, realising that issi doesn't have a key.
Mikey: slow down!
Me: no!
Rye: are you going to tell them to behave? And are trying to get there quickly?
I shake my head: issi doesn't have a key! She can't get in!
They all laugh and rye starts to run past me. I roll my eyes as I see Mikey dart past too.
Jack: they do realise you still have the key... right?
I shake my head: I don't think so...
Jack walks in front of me and stops bending down a bit.
Jack: hop on!
I do what he says and jump onto his back. He starts to jog and catches up to the boys who have stopped when two sorority girls have stopped them and started to flirt.
I roll my eyes as jack jogs past them I grab their arms and pull them away before screaming: they are taken girls move along!
One of them screams: slut!
I laugh: he's my brother you sick weirdo!
Mikey looks at me as they jog along side me and jack.
Mikey smirks: I'm not taken...
I smile softly: I am not letting you date one of 'those' girls!
Mikey: protective much?
I tilt my head: I don't need to be protective! Go and talk to them if you want to but that means me and jack get to the flat and can lock you out! So no seeing the boys I live with...
Mikey's eyes widen and he shakes his head: that's rude!
Me: that's business!
We all laugh.
Me: turn down here!
I hop of jacks back and run up to the flat as the boys follow. We all giggle when we see issi sitting on the floor in the hall.
Me: need help?
Issi nods: I need food!
I chuckle and open the door slowly walking in.
I plop down onto one of the sofas and issi walks into the kitchen area.
All the boys stay at the door. They have walked inside but they seem like they are stuck to the floor.
Me: you guys okay?
They nod.
Suddenly Amy bursts through her bedroom door hopping around trying to get her shoe on.
Me: AMY!
Amy: come with me! Please! Dan finally asked me out! But he is bringing a friend...
I shake my head: you mean cute cafe guy dan? And his little fluffy haired smirking friend?
She nods: yes!
I shake my head: brothers here... sorry!
Amy: but! It's dan! And his cute smirky friend that flirts with you!
I scowl at her: ask Issi!
Why did she have to say that!
Issi turns around from the kitchen: if it includes cute smirky guy! I am in!
Amy: great! Let's go!
Issi nods and Amy and her leave he flat.
Amy: bye Josie!
Me: bye babs!
Issi: bye!
Me: bye!
The door shuts and rye sits down loosening up a bit. Jack and Mikey plod after him and sit with him leaving me alone on the sofa opposite them.
Rye: who's cute smirky guy?
I shrug: his name says it all... he's cute and he smirks...
Mikey rolls his eyes: and flirts...
I nod: and that...
Jack: you flirt back?
My eyes widen: JACK!
Jack: what we were all thinking it...
The other boys nod and I roll my eyes: I talk to him yes...
Mikey scowls: flirt?
I mimic him from before: protective much?
He rolls his eyes again: yes!
I giggle. I hear a bang and stand up walking over to a closed door. And knocking on it.
Blake walks out his golden brown locks in a mess and he is in his dressing gown. He smiles
And walks into the kitchen I follow and see all the boys giving him the death stare.
Me: where's art?
Blake: out...
Me: so who was...
I scowl and hit the table: she's fucking in there isn't she?!
He shyly nods and then notices all the boys.
Blake: I am not aloud Tessa in there... but your allowed three boys?
I shake my head: ones my brother! And the other two are his friends! So I don't think you have to worry about anything happening!
Blake: ugh what ever!
He try's to slip past me but I don't move.
Me: you said you broke up with her!
Blake: and I did!
Me: yet she is in your room... playing the drums... to put it nicely!
Blake smirks: I am teaching her!
I scowl: she's a bitch! She cheated on you! She calls you names! Fucking leave her or imma march in there and do it myself!
Blake: how?
I smirk: I have my ways!
Rye coughs and I turn around.
Me: shit!
Blake: I got to go...
I hold him back: no! You stay here I am getting her out of here!
I push him down on to the bar stool.
Tessa walks out her hair in a mess too and her clothes thrown on quickly.
She smirks: your just jealous he's mine!
I roll my eyes: extremely! Now leave!
Tessa notices rye, jack and Mikey and waves.
Me: don't you fucking dare! I thought you loved Blake!
Tessa scowls: I do!
I cross my arms: if he wasn't here... who would you kiss first?
She straight away points to rye.
Me: taken sorry love try again!
She points to jack. I notice Blake's eyes are tearing up and smile softly at him.
Me: oh sorry yeah he doesn't like girls like you!
She turns to Mikey: he seems like he can have a good time...
She smirks and Mikey laughs
Mikey: yeah babe not happening...
She rolls her eyes
Me: now fuck off! I never want to see you here or near Blake again!
Tessa: what ever have him! You deserve each other!
Me: I'm sure we do! Now go before I punch you!
She slowly leaves and I sigh. Walking up to Blake and hugging him.
Me: sorry Blake... I had to!
He nods: thankyou... your always looking out for me...
I nod: I know what it feels like...
He hugs me tightly and then slowly looks up.
Blake smiles: so whose who?

This took a while!
Sorry but please don't forget to vote 💞
Hope you like it 💞

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