Death Should Not Have Taken Thee!

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Miku: *snores*

Rin: .....

Len: .....

Miku: *snores*

Rin: Oh! Death Should Not Have Taken Thee!

Miku: Whoa!! When did you guys-

Rin and Len: 3, 2, 1!

Miku: Eh?!

IA: Oh wow, I was just listening to this.

Kaito: Mei, they're singing again...

Meiko: Shut up, Kai. This song is awesome.

Len: Your Majesty!

Rin: What?

Len: H-Help!

Rin: With what?

Len: They...They've kidnapped the princess!

Miku: Such a tragedy.

Rin: What of the hero?

Len: There is none.

Rin: Hm.. I got it!

Len: Eh?

Rin: You'll be the hero!

Luka: Len, as the hero? You're joking, right?

Len: Well, there goes the setting!

Rin: Take now the contents of those treasure chests and this paltry sum, go out and find a party. Defeat all the enemies!

Len: Not taking this seriously, are you?

Gumi: How did she sing that so fast?

Kaito: How did Len understand it?

Rin: Oh, and if you ever need help, go talk to the townspeople, okay? Find those bosses and beat them real good!

Both: For real?!

Oliver: For real, this is annoying.

James: Yeah.

IA: I actually like this song.

Rin: Be proud, Be proud, Be proud, of course! Because you truly are the greatest!

Len: I'll act on behalf for the people, but geez, you're really on a high perch...

Rin: Experience, Experience, Experience, pile it up! And find stronger party members!

Len: So you say, but I'm just a soldier. My paid vacations? Delete! Delete!

Kaito: Oh man, that sucks.

Gumi: Now he can't go to Hawaii...

Rin: I wait with a shaky breath, for the day you beat the final boss!

Both: To restore peace to the world and to protect the peace of the land, I'll direct from the back! I shall tell you thy experience points! Fighting for you, fighting for the world, please recognize our patriotism! We're on the brink of destruction, party fallen...

Len: I knew my levels...weren't enough....

Miku: Len failed to save the world.

Oliver: Is it such a surprise?

Meiko and IA: SHUSHHH.

Rin: Your party has been annihilated. Oh God! Amen.

Gumi: Amen.

My Little Vocaloid: Singing is MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora