Volume 2 | Chapter 22: Tomb Sweeping

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The weather was clear, the winds were gentle, and the sun was bright.

Sunlight spilled onto the dark green grass, dappling it in a soft light. The air was filled with the faint scent of fresh grass and flowers. Everything appeared peaceful and lovely.

Today was Fiennes’ 38th birthday. Faithful movie fans from all over the world gathered, one after another, at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles. They carried posters, DVDs, or movie cards from Fiennes career. Candles were lit around Fiennes’ grave and fresh flowers were laid upon the grave. Uniformly, they all gave their blessings to the deceased movie star.

No one was noisy or made a racket. The movie fans that had arrived frequently gazed at the photograph of the man that was placed on the gravestone in a daze from anywhere between one to five minutes. When they awoke from their daze, they smiled even more bitterly.

As some fans left more would arrive to pay their respects.

The man in the photograph had a smile at the corner of his mouth. His eyes hid his mirth, as if everything that he saw in his eyes could be described by four words: Gentle breeze, light clouds.

Fiennes’ life had been like a giant mountain, constantly weighing him down under it. He could only treat everything lightly to live well, why should one make things difficult for themselves?

While he was alive, Fiennes couldn’t be considered greatly handsome or charming. Due to his natural illness, his skin was slightly pale, and his body was not great either. Luckily, he slowly recuperated and practised Tai Chi, allowing him to travel around the world to shoot movies and attend events. He unfortunately lacked care when he was younger and lived through a tough time when he grew up. He couldn’t make up for these things when he later became wealthy.

The man’s lips were very pale, pale enough to be sickly, yet you wouldn’t consider Fiennes to be someone sick. In front of you he would always speak with assurance and composure, his dark pupils bright enough to make hearts tremble.

Tang Feng stood in front of his gravestone and thought that he had really lucked out. After his rebirth, not only was he no longer ill, he also became younger and more handsome. Although he didn’t think he was ugly before, he occasionally did think about whether he would look better if his nose was a little higher and so on.

The person asleep in the grave was actually the same person as him, but with some differences.

Since he was to sweep his own grave (to pay respects to a dead person at their grave), Tang Feng bought his favourite flowers. Rather than lilies or daisies, it was a bouquet of red roses. When he had brought the roses to the cemetery there were many people who, one after the other, raised their brows at him. After all, how many people would bring roses to a cemetery?

But Tang Feng liked them, he really liked red roses.

He had seen a movie when he was younger, due to age he could no longer remember the plot or title. The only thing he remembered was that the male protagonist had gifted a bouquet of fiery red roses to the female protagonist. The female protagonist, upon receiving the flowers, had been moved to no end, in excitement and happiness.

From then on, the red roses were stored in the youth’s memory. Even though the youth who was lacking in familial love and affection had been able to make it successfully, he still frequently longed for someone to present him a bouquet of passionately blooming red roses.

He wanted to have everyone leave his funeral smiling, and also wished that he would receive red roses by his gravestone every year.

Tang Feng went forward to put down the red roses and then returned to Gino’s side. Someone nearby recognized Gino, however, they did not disturb the celebrity on this occasion.

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