Volume 2 | Chapter 5: Understanding in the Night

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Who wasn’t afraid of death?

Whenever one’s mind drifted to the topic of “death” in the middle of the night, one couldn’t help but count the remaining days of one’s life. One’s chest would tighten at the number and a chill would run down one’s back as the hopelessness set in.

It didn’t have anything to do with courage. It could be considered a reflex, the natural resistance humans had toward the dark, toward death. However, it would also be accurate to describe it as a fear rising from humanity’s attachment to life. It was the reason why Tang Feng had such a peaceful death in his past life. He didn’t have anything binding him to life. Numerous nights, he’d dreamed of the moment when he would leave the world. When the grim reaper finally raised his scythe and bound his soul in chains, he didn’t feel much fear.

Only a little disappointment.

He was disappointed at the lack of human relationships in his life.

Tang Feng woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. It was a first for him after his rebirth. He dreamed of when he was young and living in the orphanage. To his horror, he found that he had been locked inside the orphanage for all his life. He stood in a room without a door; his only gate to the world was a tiny, metal window that he couldn’t open.

The world become more distant to him by the second. He yelled and screamed, but no one answered his call. Soon after, he woke up.

His body was drenched in cold sweat; his breathing erratic.

“I can’t believe I’m going insane just from filming a movie.” Tang Feng swiped at his sweat-drenched forehead. He fumbled around in the dark and turned on the bedside lamp. It wasn’t the same as sunlight, but the warm lamplight comforted him all the same. He took a few deep breaths and tried to clear his mind.

The clock hanging on the wall displayed that it was one-forty-seven in the morning. His room was quiet enough that he could hear his own breathing and the ticking of the clock hands. The stillness in the room made him feel as if he were back in the nightmare again.

His chest tightened, and a chill ran from his head to his toes. Tang Feng threw off the covers and got out of bed. He rushed to open the window and took a deep breath of fresh air. Luckily, the night wasn’t completely dark. From the balcony, he could see the dazzling golden lights of the lively city. The lights below shone like the moon, broken into thousands of tiny individual reflections.

Gripping the railings tightly, Tang Feng took in a deep breath.

Dong dong dong.

He heard the sound of knocking at his door. Who wanted to see him at this time of the night?

Was it Charles? Or Lu Tian Chen?

Both men had followed him over to the United States. For Lu Tian Chen, his reason was that he had business to do with an American entertainment company. For Charles, his reason was even simpler: his business was based in the United States in the first place.

Tang Feng walked over to open the door. Charles was standing outside in his pajamas, sleep still decorating his face. He wasn’t alone as Lu Tian Chen was also standing beside him wearing a robe, looking quite awake in comparison. When Tang Feng opened the door, both men stared at him in surprise.

Charles immediately woke up from his sleep walking, while Lu Tian Chen’s eyes gleamed brighter.

Tang Feng glanced down at himself and cursed. When he’d gotten out of bed, he hadn’t bothered to put any clothes on. The matter had completely slipped his mind when he was walking to the door. As a man who was used to sleeping naked, he was undoubtedly― Shit! He had opened the door for Charles and Lu Tian Chen while completely naked, and now those bastards were staring at him with such bare expressions!

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