Chapter Four - Angels

Start from the beginning

He chose to leave once he was old enough and vowed to father he would make everyone’s life miserable Being a twin though he only had half the powers of our father and couldn’t make a kingdom of his own.

He did manage to convince some of my brothers and sisters to follow him out of  Paraiso (Paradise). Father was so hurt, but allowed Azael to leave with the understanding that anything he tried to do against father would never be fulfilled because he turned his back on our beliefs. Azael being stubborn though thought he could do whatever he wanted once he left. He is responsible for all of the chaos in our world today…”

“Wait Angelica, are you saying…I’m related to God?” Azalea’s velvet eyes grew wide with amazement.  “Azalea, God is a higher being, my father is the High Light, he is a son of God and is in charge of all of God’s children. Humans call them Angels. Since my father’s son’s separated there are two entities of Angels. Dark Ones and Light Ones. The Dark Ones are the chaos of the world, the Light Ones are the protectors of the world.”

“But Angelica, I still don’t understand what this has to do with me?” Angelica once again motioned for Azalea to sit by her rocking chair. 

“Well, about 20 years ago, a war started between us and the Dark Ones. This is Azael’s clan now. He has figured out a way to conjure power from his followers and has become stronger. Even stronger than Aamin. Unfortunately, the war started because Aamin tried to talk to Azael and convince him to come back home. Azael told Aamin he would never go back, he had his taste of power and isn’t about to give it up. Well, Azael saw his opportunity and took Aamin prisoner. He knows this is the most harm he can do to our father.” Angelica sighed.

“Que Triste!” (how sad!)  Azalea cried out, now very intrigued by the story.  

“Si, he has tortured Aamin for the past twenty years in his dark prison. Father cannot get to Aamin because Azael has encountered a dark power that for now has kept Father out. The only light that keeps father going is a prophecy that happened right before Aamin spoke to Azael. The prophecy came from a descendant of your family. Your mother Azalea! See, her mother, your grandmother is the great grand- daughter of Aamin! One of Aamin’s son’s was convinced to leave Paraiso, years after Azael had left.

This was a very dark blow to our family. Azael gave Artemas full reign over the human world by letting him have a human woman. Artemas’s daughter married into a family of witches and conjurers. He never figured that the good light would still carry on through his blood line and it did, your mother was a sweet kind soul just like Aamin.

For this she was shunned in her family, until she met your father and fled her family. Right before she left she had an awful argument with your grandparents and it somehow spiked a trance that your mother went into she told the family that Aamin would be freed soon by a descendant of his blood carrying his light. She would save this Aamin and once and for all end the havoc that Azael had done!  She came out of her trance and ran from the home vowing to never come back. Your grandmother and grandfather were so upset over the revelation, they just knew that a prophecy had been made and that your mother was part of it. So they visited a Bruja (witch), to put a curse on your mother and her family to make sure the prophecy wouldn’t come true. Years passed and your mother had twin sons…”

“I have brothers? Where?” Azalea stood up she clutched Angelica’s arm tighter.

“Yes love..” Angelica consoled.

“Donde?” (where?) I want to see them!” Azalea insisted.

“Yes mija, hold on your brother’s are fine and they have been looking for you for years now, along with your father’s parents...”

“I have abuelitos? (grand-parents?) Azalea couldn’t take it anymore and slumped back down. She began to feel angry because she had suffered all of these years when she could have been with her loving family!

Angelica could sense the anger. She touched Azalea’s shoulder.

“Little one, you must let me finish the story, then we will talk about getting you back to your family.”

Azalea looked up at Angelica and strangely enough all the anger went away.

“Okay Angelica, I’m sorry, please do continue.”

“Okay then, where was I? Oh yes, So your mother had the twins Aiden and Alden. Those are their names…” she smiled at Azalea “Tus Hermanos” (your brothers).

She waited for Azalea reaction, tears filled her eyes. Angelica hugged her and continued.

 “ Once your grandparents knew, they left it alone, because they know the prophecy mentioned a she.” Then they found out your mother was pregnant again!”

“With me??” Azalea became excited about the story again. 

“Yes…” Angelica smiled. “You’re grandparents found out through their sources that your mother Alondra…” Angelica stopped realizing this was the first time Azalea had heard her mother’s name.

Tears were in Azalea’s eyes again.  Angelica continued on.

 “Alondra was having a baby girl. Your brothers became ill and she took them to the hospital. Your father was out of town and disappeared. We feel he is somewhere alive and hidden and we are trying to find him! Your mother had you but sadly did pass on. I believe this is the Angel Lady in your dreams.” Angelica  put a warm hand on Azalea’s black hair.

Azalea didn’t know what to do, this was so much, maybe too much information for her to bare. “I will stop little’s too much..” Angelica tried to stand up from the rickety chair.

“No!  please continue! I need to know, know all of it…” Azalea reached for Angelica to sit back down. Angelica looked at her.

“Estas segura?” (Are you sure?) Azalea nodded and rested her head on Angelica’s lap.

“ Well before all of this, I was assigned to your mother. I was her friend all through school. She was truly happy when we were in school away from her home. Such a beautiful and talented girl! She could sing dance and even played the piano! And beautiful…just like you Azalea. You look just like her.” Tears slid down Azalea’s  red cheeks.

 “Every time I see you, I see her. When the time was right, which was right before she left your grand-parents awful house, I sat her down and explained the story, just like I am doing with you. I also explained her time was coming and we needed to prepare for your birth.

Just as I was her child hood friend, I became a nurse at that hospital to guard over you. That fateful night we were ready. Just as we expected your mother’s parents showed up and thought they could sell you off to some orphanage and you would just end up dying there. They never knew me, or seen me. So, when they abandoned you at this orphanage, I once again took on a different role to be close to you…”

“But Angelica, you said I needed protection, from who?” Azalea looked up and wiped tears from her eyes.

“Well see little one, the Dark Ones have been waiting for this “She” to come along and once they know Alondra was carrying a baby girl, they were going to destroy her. Father new better though and protected Alondra as long as he could. Since you are human, you remain undetected from the Dark Ones, but what they don’t know is that you carry the same light your mother did and can become as powerful as all of Father’s children, whom in the human world you call Angels.”

Once again, Azalea was silent, she was soaking it all in. Suddenly she blurted out.

“I am an Angel?”

“Yes Azalea, but human also. The dark ones have created Dark Angels, but you are the first Light Angel. You are the one to help bring Aamin back to the High Light and help guard the Human Race until we are all ready to return!”

Azalea sat back trying to take it all in. The look on her face must have been of fear or maybe uncertainty, which made Angelica shake her by the shoulders.

“Azalea, hija (daughter), Que piensas? (What are you thinking?)” Azalea’s velvet eyes looked up at Angelica again and whispered “I have a family????”

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