"Uh, we don't care it's not our baby it's yours." Harry shoves marshmallows on his face too purposely being a jerk just to push our buttons.

"And if you had a baby you would want the support from us so please be serious."

"We are we don't care about your wife or your baby, they are ruining not only your career but ours, did you think about that before knocking her up? I don't think you did, you just thought about yourself, we haven't even been famous five years yet and your already throwing us away." Harry's words strike me hard, right in the heart, I stand up to my feet quickly startling them all and storm off to the bunk room. I shove all my things in the suitcase frustratingly. Tears stream down my face I am tired of their verbal abuse I did nothing to them.

"Baby what are you doing?" Liam asks coming up behind me he grabs my hips but I just flinch away from him.

"Just don't! Dont touch me." I snap zipping up my suit case and pulling on my stray jacket over my shirt.

"What are you doing?"

"Thank you for everything Liam but I am done living here and ruining your life, so I am going to the doctor to see if I can get a flight back to Britain." Lugging my heavy suitcase past him rolling it into the main room past them all to see their smirks like they won. "Carl stop the bus, I'm getting off." I state, he slowly begins to pull onto the shoulder.

"Kali don't do this, you can't leave your pregnant." Liam grabs my arms but I shake them away frustrated.

"Just stop! You knew that this wouldn't work out that some way I would ruin it, so I am going. Bye." The bus door opens and I carefully bring the suitcase out of the bus.

"Kali you can't leave, what about our baby, she is mine too!"

"How much work did you really have to do for her? Did you keep her in you? Will you suffer through the pain of contractions and pushing her out? Will you get up with her every night and help her through everything? You say you will help but once you get tired of her and it becomes too tough you will dump her right on me. Because men don't have the mature instincts like I do, so I can't leave her. So I will see you in the future." Taking my suitcase I begin to walk in the opposite direction of which we are going.

"Kali! Don't leave me please we can get through this, I said I was quitting One Direction!"

"When? When I am dead?" I scream to him in frustration.

"No once I finish the tour." He steps closer but I take steps back.

"I can't stay in the bus any more, I need a place to crash a stable home it's not healthy for me or the baby."

"Then let's go get a house! Lets stop this and go get a house!" My blood boils that's a part that is ruining his career. But suddenly I become faint and weak to the legs. Holding onto my suitcase for support I grab my head. "Kali? What is it?" Liam races to me but I shove him away and he looks hurt.

"Just...get away...." I say weakly before my legs buckle and I fall to the ground weakly, soon my breathing quickly and I am hyperventilating. Liam rushes to my side, he begins screaming but I can hardly hear anything he is saying it's all a loud ring until I am fully laying on the road and everything goes blank.


"Kali? Kali are you awake? Can you hear me?" I hear Liam whisper, slowly opening my eyes I see Liam sitting across from me looking so worried, I feel oxygen on my face with a mask to keep it in. I look in the corner to see the guys in the corner with little toys in their hands and balloons. I groan annoyed.

"What are they doing here? What are you doing here? I am ruining your career."

"Just stop with that okay? They are here to apologize, you had an anxiety attack in the middle of the road, the baby she's not doing too good. Her heart rate is low, they said if she isn't better in two hours they are going to deliver her by C-section." I feel tears coming to my eyes, she can't come now, she can't she can die. Looking over to the baby heart monitor I see it's low and slow making me begin to cry, I grab my face and sob into my hands.

"Kali I am so sorry I shouldn't have said those things." Harry just about whispers stepping forwards.

"Just get out! Get out all of you!" I scream turning to my side in a ball, my baby. Gripping my stomach tightly I sob and sob, hearing them all leave the room Liam stays right by my side. I grab his hand with my shaky one holding got tightly. "Sing for her, sing a song." He hesitates for a moment before I hear him sing.

"Hey there Delilah I know times are getting hard but just believe me, girl someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar we'll have it good, we'll have the life we knew we would my word is good." His voice is shaky but those words stick out to me the most making me feel so much calmer, now I hear my heart beat steady slog with hers, coming back up to the steady strong best hers was. Looking up to Liam with joy I lift my mask off for a moment giving him a small kiss, parting I slip my oxygen mask back on resting and relaxing back against the hospital bed. These hospital beds are not as comfortable as in London.

While We Were On Tour Where stories live. Discover now