Good Bye

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"Bye, I will see you back in England okay? Give me a call when you get there okay?" I say walking away from Liam who stays behind at the gate.

"I will we will leave later this week."

"Okay, bye!" I state with one hand on my stomach stroking it lightly. I head to my check in giving them my suitcase. I go through the xray thing for adults and I'm clear. We load the plane and I take my seat in first class getting all situated and relaxed. A little girl come up to me with a sharpie and her metal One Direction lunch tin. He's maybe three?

"Are you Kali? From One Direction?" She asks, people are squeezing past her so I take her to the seat next to me smiling.

"Yes I am, and what's your name?"

"Lilly..." Her cheeks turn bright red and she smiles shyly, she looks over to her mom before speaking again. "Can you sign my tin?" She asks handing me her things, I smile gladly before taking them, I have never signed anything in my life. Signing it the best I could I leave a little message.

Remember who you are, because you are you and there isn't another Lilly the exact same. Love Kali.

Handing it back to her she smiles wildly giving me a hug the best she can before returning to her mother. Soon a younger gentleman squeezes past me sitting in the window seat looking stressed beyond belief. "Hi, I'm Kali." I say happily handing him my hand, he looks at it before shaking it urgently.

"Sam." He shoves his briefcase under his seat and straps in tightly. "Are you supposed to be flying?" He asks me motioning to my stomach peaking one eye open.

"If I wasn't I wouldn't be."

"Cause I don't want to be catching anyone's baby."

"Um that's a little harsh don't you think? If I thought I would go into labor on this flight I wouldn't have came in the first place."I roll my eyes waiting for take off, this is going to be one freaking long flight.


"Kali! You look so good, these are Liam's sisters, and this is Geoff his dad. Are you ready to go?" She asks taking my suit case for me, it feels so nice to be back in England.

"Yeah I am pooped!"

"Yeah I bet, but the girls want to give you a massage and paint your belly today is that okay? Once they heard they were going to be aunts they went nuts."

"Yeah I don't mind."

"Yes! I'm Nicola and this is Ruth we are kind of mad when it comes to new people!" She jokes nudging my arm. "So how far are you?"

"Six and a half months." I say rubbing my belly, we leave the airport and there is waiting their car, it's pretty nice too.

"Wow it won't be long now! If you do come back later when your close to having the baby could we do a belly cast?"

"Sure I don't see why not." A soon become really dizzy stopping and leaning up against the car while the girls hop in the back and they put my suitcase in the car.

"Kali why aren't you getting in?" Ruth asks peaking her head over the and through the back seats. Once she sees me she hops out helping balance me. "Mum what's going on?" Ruth asks holding my arms, soon it passes and I give a small smile.

"I am so fine, just sitting too long didn't do me too well." I climb into the car scooting over so Ruth can fit in better, we all buckle up and we are ready to go.

"Was it the dizzy spells?" Karen asks leaning over the front seat.


"The most excited one is Charlotte." Ruth states with a small giggle and soon they all join. The baby starts kicking and moving almost like she is stretching.

"Okay so do you guys want to know the gender?" I ask, all the girls jerk to see me looking so excited.

"Yes!" They all practically scream, I myself chuckle lightly.

"It's a girl, but what names do you like Aubree Poppy Payne or Raleigh Chloe Payne?"

"Oh my heavens those are adorable I just don't know which one!" Karen states totally adorable smugleafied.

"But he like Poppy, Chloe, Zoe, and Rebecca, just in their own and I can't imagine calling her any of those, they are all middle names!"

"Yeah he doesn't have great taste in names. When he gets here we will torture him about names. Those two are adorable." Ruth chuckles, I reply with a chuckle before slumping in my chair and falling to sleep.


"Ech guys that feels weird and it tickles! What exact ally are you painting a picture of? I hope that paint is designed for this because the toxins can get in and hurt her." I'm sitting on a stool while all three girls paint my belly.

"We are going to try and paint a picture of her to see how accurate we are. And yes we ordered this paint when Liam called us and told us you were pregnant, it's safe." The brush and the paint is making my belly itchy but I'm not able to itch it.

"So are you excited to see her?" Charlotte asks stroking the side if my belly.

"Of course, I just know nothing at all, I have a dummies book but that's not enough."

"We can hold a baby shower for you and get you all the things you need? It would be so much fun!" Charlotte yips scaring the other girls.

"I don't have any friends over here tough."

"We can invite the people that like you? Like fans? Or my mums friend they have lots of experience."

"Yeah sure I'm just so tired I don't really care anymore. I just want Liam here with me, this sucks." Soon tears are falling down my face, I have never been hormonal like this before and it's making me quite angry.

"Hey no it's okay. It's going to be fine." Nicola tries to soothe me but my tears keep coming. I just wish he could be here every step of the way I don't want us traveling I just want him here with me. "Hey mum?" They call to her, she soon comes in and once she sees she kneels down to eye level and cups my face, I can see where some of Liam's features came from.

"Hey everything is going to be okay, you should get some sleep the girls can finish this later."

"I feel like I am intruding on everyone's life's and ruining them all!" I sob into my hands, I feel like a blubbering baby.

"No your not, come on let's go lay down." She helps me up and we walk into a near by room. My belly dried instantly so I am able to lay down. "This is Liam's room it should be able to calm you some." She lays me down on his comfortable bed and I slow my sobs some laying on my side she leaves the room closing the door and turning off the lights.

"I miss you Liam, we miss you." I only wear my sports bra and spanks because my bras no liger fit, they over flow and fall out practically. "I love you." I whisper before I let sleep take me as one of them.

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