Its a Date

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"Kali could you heat up a bottle please?" My mom asks, Kandice is screaming in her arms, looking at the time it showed three in the morning. I have been helping out since mother needs her sleep, but I doubt any one can sleep in this house! Liam is down here with me, only in his boxers helping make the bottles.

"No one scoop with two ounces of water." I yawn taking it from him, I measure it correctly and pop it into the microwave for twenty seconds, in that time I lean into the counter feeling exhausted, Kandice has been up every three hours, wakes up, states up for two hours then sleeps. That's the whole three hour thing. The microwave beeps and I take it out, shaking it terribly I test it on my wrist, it's warm. Handing it to my mom she quickly puts it in her mouth looking like she might pass out right then and there. "I'll take it from here go sleep." I take Kandice from my mothers arms keeping her nice and snug against my chest.

"Okay, thanks hunny." She pats my cheek before heading back into her room. Resting back on our rocking chair I slowly rock her closing my eyes exhausted.

"Your a natural at this." Liam yawns, looking at him he has practically crashed on the couch.

"My motherly instinct kicked in." Looking down Kandice looks like she is asleep. But she continues to drink, so she must not be.

"Well it's a pretty good instinct."

"Thanks." I whisper rocking her gently closing my eyes, it's very dark in the house so she stays asleep but it's more like putting me to sleep. Her bottle is soon finished and I take her burp rag placing it on my shoulder, bringing her up to my shoulder I gently pat her back. Babies are so much work this is impossible. She soon let's off a cute little burp and some spot up on the burp rag. Wiping her tiny face I take her to her little swaying cradle gently putting her in it letting her sleep gracefully.

Laying on the carpet next to her cradle I try to sleep soundly but soon an arm is wrapped around my waist and soon a large bare body is pressed against mine. I don't bother to move because I am too tired to want to.


Hearing a loud scream snaps me awake, I rush to Kandice getting her out of her cradle and rock her slowly. I smell her butt and that definitely needs to be changed. I carefully lay her on the ground in between my legs giving her, her binki she quiets down for a moment giving me enough time to change her nasty un-solid poop. "Kandy made a nasty poopoo." I talk in baby talk kissing her little nose. Buttoning up everything I wrap her tightly rocking her in the chair again, it's so comfortable and soothing I almost want to sleep in it.

"How long have we been asleep?" Liam asks waking up from the floor, looking at my watch I almost smile.

"Four hours!" I smirk, she slept for four hours, score!

"Wow, how long have you been up?" He scratches his head coming near me looking so tired.

"Ten minutes maybe." He comes over to her seeing over her before he takes a picture of her.

"You know you should have a baby." I look up to him in shock and he looks serious.

"No way I'm too young!"

"Look how good you are with her, you can totally do it, I wouldn't mind if you and I had one?" He shrugs, I gawk to him shaking my head no.

"No way, once we have sex you'll leave me, plus your career! You just started a baby would ruin it, so would I, and it could break up the band, fans would kill me."

"I could use a break till the little guy is born, we could move to the states if you wanted? Or anywhere for that matter? Australia, Japan, Germany, or the States?"

"I'm not having a baby at eighteen."

"Then let's start it off slow, come with me on tour, be my girl friend, marry me, then have my baby." He looks so genuine in everything he is saying like he absolutely means it.

"I don't think that could happen, I have Harvard in two years, my mother just had a baby and it's kind of their first! I can't leave, and why would a celebrity want a person like me?"

"Who wouldn't want a beautiful girl like you? Your smart, beautiful, sassy, very hard to get, you can cook, photo shop, and you delivered your baby sister! Your a perfect mother! And I want you to mother my children!"

"Nuhuh! Not gonna happen."

"I really like you Kali, I really do."

"How you have only known me two days!" I'm feeling kind of frustrated at the moment, I don't want to have a baby and I don't want to have his!

"Doesn't mean a person can't like you!"

"Liam I can't just be your girl friend! You need to ask me on dates and take me places, then if I love you then I'll come with you in tour, and if things work out and you really want to marry me I will. Then we will work from there."

"Deal, Kali will you go on a date with me tomorrow at five? We can go laser tagging?"

"What about we go to a fish tank with sharks in it and we go diving in it?"

"Why in the world would a person want to swim with sharks?" He asks all too loud, Kandy shifts in my arms squirming but goes right back to sleep.

"You surf. That's the same thing." I whisper softly.

"No it's not!"

"Were going, if you want me to go out with you then were going to the reef."

"Fine." He shrugs stroking back my hair, he looks so tired still, he has been up with me just about the entire time.

"Go get some sleep I can handle a sleeping baby."

"Are you sure?" He asks looking deep into my eyes, it looks like it's taking everything in him to not kiss me, which I'm glad because I don't want him to lose interest in my too quickly.

"Yes go to sleep." I chuckle nudging his arm which he gives off a small chuckle before getting up. He pats my hand before leaving up the stairs into his room. I just can't wait until my moms wake up, I need some sleep of my own.

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