Say I Do

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Saying good bye to my family was the hardest thing I have ever done, there were so many tears but I need to do this, maybe one day this could start my singing career? Staring out the window of the bus I just sigh, listening to my music on my phone. All the guys are either sleeping, or paying video games out here. I sit on the padded bench next to the bullet proof, one way glass staring at everything. I begin to hum to one of my favorite songs to calm me down when I'm feeling concerned or out of place. I don't know why it just makes me feel better. Humming to Since You Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson.

There is a small tap on my shoulder, taking out one bud I turn and see Harry holding a controller in one hand with his game paused. "Your humming loudly, it's throwing off our game." Harry says with a sarcastic and fake smile, rolling my eyes I put my buds back in and continue to stare out the window. I continue to hum though, he can't get the best of me, he can't win, I am my own person and I can do whatever I want. Soon someone's arms are wrapped around me and give me a reassuring hug, the smell is so refreshing, the bare skin against my face with a soft due. I take out an ear bud sighing into his chest.

"Everything will be okay, this is how we felt when this first happened. But it will get a bit easier don't worry." Liam's voice is soft and soothing making me feel safer and better. "Come on let's of lay down." He hauls me up by the waist to my feet, this place is so roomy and clean, we walk back into the enclosed area of the bunks, there are five that line the walls all stacked up and very tight. And then there is a mattress on the floor pushed to the back on the length side so it doesn't take up much room. "This is your bed, it's roomier and it's comfortable." He chuckles softly, because Niall and Louis are sleeping in their bunks opposite of each other.

"Thanks." I whisper feeling so very tired. I head onto the bed with my pillow and favorite blanket already nicely laid out on it. It's so cool, but I feel so lonely. "Come lay with me, not anything more though." I whisper up to him looking oh so sexy with the towel wrapped around his waist.

"Yeah let me get some clothes on first."

"Just pants, pants will do." I smile, he chuckles slightly and takes his clothes to the bathroom. What if getting married would work with him? I mean, we are both very interested in him, and I have loved him since I was twelve, in a fan way. I watched him on American Idol and stuff and Loved it! He walks back in with only his jeans on hanging low showing off his V line making me drool. He sexily climbs into bed with me wrapping his arms around me. "If you are so sure you want to marry me then you can, because I already know lots about you, not saying it's all true but still. I just have a different way of showing how I love and care for people." I whisper to him stroking the muscles on his stomach and chest.

"I do want to marry you, I love you so much and I don't know what to do if I lost you or you were with someone else!"

"Okay Payne, I will marry you."

"Don't marry me if you don't want to, marry me if you truly mean it."

"I do mean it, I really do, no one has ever liked me before, so this is new for me, but I'm so sure that what I am feeling is love. I love you." Wow I was the first to say it, the first to say I love you. Those words roll off my tongue and they sound so foreign to me, so different.

"We can elope, I don't want the press invading our special day."

"Same, I love you Liam." I state feeling my eyes getting heavier than what I like. Soon something cold and solid is placed on my finger, sliding right on I look down to see, the most beautiful wedding ring of all time, it's so beautiful.

"I was waiting to know if you felt the same way I did, I guess you do." He chuckles kissing the top of my head, I am engaged, and soon to be Mrs. Kali Payne.

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