I Hate You

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Still in the arena ! Randy is walking around and found just the person he's looking for !

Randy: Kelly just the person I was looking for !
Kelly: What's up Orton ?
Randy: I need a favor !
Kelly: What ?
Randy: Can you take Ashely just for tonight tomorrow morning me and Brie will pick her up and were flying out to San Diego so Ashley could see the house out there !
Kelly: Why can't John take her tonight ?
Randy: The girls and me and some of they guys want to treat them to dinner !
Kelly: Oh umm yeah it's fine text me tomorrow morning when your down stairs at the hotel so I can bring Ashley and her things down !
Randy: Okay great thanks !
Kelly: Are John and Nikki going to meet you at the air port ?
Randy: No me and Brie are flying her out there with us because we want to give Nikki and John some alone time before getting back into routine !
Kelly: Oh umm okay well I'll see you tomorrow then bye !

He waves and walks away then Kelly walks back to the girls locker room where everyone is gone and Ashley is in there by herself !

Kelly: Ashely why are you all alone ?
Ashley: The girls left with Brie and then Nikki came in she asked where everyone was I told her they left and she asked me if I wanted her to stay with me until you came and I said no I told her that I hated her and she left !
Kelly: You did good baby !

She said and hugged her

Nikki's Pov
Hearing her say I hate you made my heart break in half I left the locker room and came to my hiding place although it wasn't much of a secret because John knew exactly where it was and when he couldn't find me after his match he came to look for me and sadly I didn't want him to find me in tears but he did !

John: Nicole what's wrong ?
Nikki: Nothing maybe I'm just emotional because my papa won't get to see me get married !
John: Nicole I know you all to well now tell me the truth !

She stayed silent and looked down !

John: Please ?
Nikki: You have to promise that if I tell you, you won't get mad or go and say anything about it yes in crying now but I'll get over it I'll handle it !!
John: I'm not making any promises !
Nikki: Than I'm not saying anything !
John:Ugh fine I half promise hows that ?
Nikki: Fine ! I walked into the locker room a while ago and I found Ashley by herself I asked her where the girls were and she said they left I asked her if she wanted me to stay with her until Kelly came for her and she said no I hate you leave me alone !
John: She said she hated you ?

Nikki just nodded as more tears fell from her face !

John: I'm so sorry Nicole ! I don't know what to do with her ! I don't know what I can do to convince her you're an amazing person !
Nikki: I don't want her to be forced to like me !
John: I didn't mean it like that !
Nikki: I just don't know how our relationship will continue to work if you're daughter is always going to hate me !
John: I could stop taking her with me ? Just see her here in the arena ?
Nikki: No that will only make her more mad at me !
John: We will work this out now don't forget I love you !
Nikki: I love you too !
John: Now come on since all the divas are gone let's get your things and start heading out as well !
Nikki: Okay with all of this I didn't even change !
John: Let's go then

When they go in they see Ashely is still in there

Ashley: Hi daddy are you here to pick me up ?
John: Sorry sweetie not tonight !
Ashley: What why ?
John: Me and Nikki have dinner plans with auntie Brie and uncle Randy !
Ashely: I can't come ?
John: No it's a place for adults only sorry !!

Then Nikki comes out in a short red dress with the zipper undone from the back !

Nikki: Babe can you zip me up ?
John: Yeah come here

She got closer to him and zipped up her dress and kissed her neck a little ! To which Nikki slapped his arm and turned around !

Nikki: John not here silly ! Especially not in front of your daughter !

She said as she kissed his cheek !

John: Fine but

Then he started to whisper in her ear

John: On the plane you won't be able to escape me !
Nikki: Who says I want to haha !

Then Kelly walks into the room in only her bra and underwear !

Kelly: Oh sorry I didn't know you two were in here !

She said trying to cover up !

Nikki: Kelly don't be ashamed I mean it's not like he hasn't seen you naked before and let alone your ring attire ! Don't even mention bikinis I mean hello !
Kelly: You're right haha silly me !
John: Either way I'm going to go put our things in the car !
Nikki: Okay I'll be right out just have to touch up my make up !
John: Okay ! Bye princes I'll see you tomorrow !
Ashely: Okay bye daddy ! I'll walk you out !

He nods and they walk out !

Kelly: Hey Nicole Ashley told me that she told you she hated you and I just want to say I'm sorry I don't know where that's coming from !
Nikki: It's okay she's a child she probably thinks I'm taking her father away and believe me when I say I'm not after John and I get married I will make sure that Ashley is still his top priority like our kids !
Kelly: Our kids ?
Nikki: Yeah were planning on having at the most 2 kids Ashley makes 1 so two more in total for him 3 and me 2 although I promise you that when we take care of Ashley I treat and love her like if she was my own !
Kelly: Thank you ! Now where you and John headed off too ?
Nikki: I don't know I think dinner than the club ? That's why I'm wearing this dress !! Although we have to be at the air port by 3 am
Kelly: Why 3 ?
Nikki: Me and John are flying out to San Diego and putting the finishing touches on Ashley's room before she gets there !
Kelly: Oh that's fun and please if there's too much sun make sure she's wearing plenty of sun block !
Nikki: I will bye !

She walks out and Ashley is walking back in !

Nikki: Bye Ashley !
Ashley: Don't talk to me !

Nikki just looked down and walked away !

Kelly: Hey Ashley come here for a second !
Ashley: What is it mommy ?
Kelly: Next time you're mean to her please don't be in front of daddy okay !
Ashley: Why ?
Kelly: Because if she tells him you can lie and say you didn't say anything !
Ashley: Oh okay !!
Kelly: Good girl come on let's go back to the hotel !

At dinner ! Brie senses Nikki a little distracted so she pulls her away to the bathroom !

Brie: Nikki what's wrong !
Nikki: Ashley told me she hated me !
Brie: What when ?
Nikki: When I went to the locker room to look for you guys she was alone in there and I asked if she wanted me to stay with her until Kelly came back and she said no I hate you leave me alone ! That just made me want to cry and I did !
Brie: I'm sorry !
Nikki: Can I be honest with you Brianna !
Brie: Always !
Nikki: I don't know how much of this I can handle how much hate I can take from a child and not just a child Johns child I mean how can our relationship function if his daughter hates me ?
Brie: Things will work out Nikki I promise !
Nikki: Easy for you to say ! Alanna loves you ! She even calls you mom ! And Sam bless her heart she's fine with it ! She loves that Alanna has someone that's like a second mom I don't think Kelly likes the fact that I'm going to be Ashley's stepmother ! Or well might !
Brie: Don't say might be ! You will be and she will grow to love you !
Nikki: I hope because I honestly done know how much more I can or am willing to take !
Brie: Wait what are you saying ?
Nikki: That's if things don't change between me and Ashley there might not be a me and John..........

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