Dawnkit And Duskit

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Dawnkits Pov:

Dawnkit laughs as she watches her sister Duskit chase a butterfly around in the shady maple clan camp. Today was a beautiful day, and Moonlight thought it would be best if the two had finally gotten some sunshine. "Come on sis, help me catch it!" Duskit skeaks, and Dawnkit bounces in excitement to her paws before she too starts to leap up to try and catch the beautiful insect as well.

After a while of this, soon the two twins were pouting because the creature had flown away up into the sky, and out of sight. "Awww, what now?" Duskit sighs, and Dawnkit smiles mischievously before sneaking away without her sisters notice. Then quickly she hides into the undergrowth as Duskit waits for her to answer. "Dawnkit, what do you think?" She then asks after several moments before she looks to where Dawnkit previously was.

Duskit's eyes widen as she finally notices the disappearance of her twin sister, and wildly she looks around. "Dawnkit... Dawnkit, where are you?!" Duskit wails as she starts to look around frantically, and as she comes to where Dawnkit was hidden she springs out, startling Duskit as she pins her to the ground. "That wasn't funny Dawnkit, you scared me to death!" Duskit pouts, and Dawnkit couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry, it's just so easy to scare you, but I promise I won't do it again." She tells her, and Duskit nods. "Good." She mews before she trys to get up, but she sighs when she wasn't successful. "Can you, please just... get off me now...?" She asks, and Dawnkit shrugs before their mothers voice came. "Dawnkit, Duskit, time to come back to the nest!" She calls, and immediatly Dawnkit took off towards the nursury.

"Wait for me...!" Duskit yelps, quickly following after her sister before the two settle in the nursery in a nest to feed. Moonlight purrs at this in which slowly relaxes the two kits who soon fall asleep....

Not bad for the first chapster right? right?! Anyway I hope you guys liked the first chapter, this is actually one of my first books that I am trying my best at, and so far I think I'm doing okay. What do you think?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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