It was expensive as shit but Hoseok couldn't think of a better way to spend his money

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It was expensive as shit but Hoseok couldn't think of a better way to spend his money. He smiled when the car purred to life. He made it to Jungkook and Jimin's house in 10 minutes.

"HYUNG, IS THAT YOURS?!" Jungkook yelled as he opened the door and found Hoseok leaning against the car with a smirk.

"Damn straight it is." He smiled as Jungkook checked out the car, sipping his banana milk.

"Wow, Hoseok-hyung. You'll have to give me a ride some time." Jimin squealed.

"Well, I'm heading towards my new condo anyways, come with me."

"New condo, already? But I like living with you Hoseok-hyung, especially your meals." Jungkook whined.

Hoseok laughed before ruffling the younger's hair. The trio helped pack up and put away Hoseok things into the car.

Jungkook rose with Hoseok while Jimin followed in his car. They reached the condo in under half an hour.

After many hours of unloading and shopping for necessities, the group of three packed away everything in their proper position.

It was currently near midnight and the guys were resting on Hoseok's new sofa that fitted perfectly in the middle of the living room.

"Hyung, the condo looks good but we're going to go. Jungkook has work in the morning." Jimin spoke as he struggled to hold Jungkook up.

"Sorry for the inconvenience but thanks for helping me settle in. I'm really excited to start living on my own now." Hoseok told Jimin enthusiastically as they laid Jungkook horizontally in the backseat.

"No problem. Stay safe and have a goodnight hyung." Jimin waved through the window before driving off.

Hoseok let out a tired sigh before heading back up towards his new home.

He quickly showered before settling on an oversized tshirt and hopping under the covers.


Hoseok woke up to rapid knocks on his door. He groaned as he tried to prevent the light from blinding him. He made a mental note to buy some thick curtains.

He quickly slipped on some sweats and slides before walking towards the door. He pulled the door to reveal two attractive, slim girls, causing Hoseok to immediately fix his bed hair.

The girls giggled before bowing at an 90 degree angle, "Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Rosé, and this is my roommate, Jeongyeon. We live next door in 420 and noticed you moving in yesterday and wanted to say hello." The girl with straight ombré hair introduced herself as Rosé so the taller one with black hair must've been Jeongyeon.

"I'm Hoseok, nice to meet you." Hoseok offered a hand which they both shook.

"This is for you. Please come by anytime for anything. We've been here for years and pretty much know all the cool places and useful information." Jeongyeon handed Hoseok a container of baked cookies.

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