Chapter 20

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|Third Person POV|

Taehyung hopped into the limousine before buckling in. He had the whole day planned for Hoseok. It was currently 9:29 AM. He was determined to make Hoseok his by the end of the night.

"Chanyeol, you know the address right?" Taehyung asked as he fixed his clothes. He didn't want any wrinkles when he arrived at Hoseok's place.

"Yes sir, and I picked up a bouquet of flower Yeji arranged especially to Mr. Jung Hoseok's taste," he handed Taehyung the bouquet of white and yellow daffodils.

Taehyung thankfully accepted the flowers with a smile. He sat back and enjoyed the view as Chanyeol smoothly drove towards Hoseok's place.

As they reached the condominium complex, Chanyeol parked before walking and opening Taehyung's door. He bowed before closing the door as Taehyung exited.

Taehyung dusted his jacket before heading up the stairs towards Hoseok's door. As he approached the clean white door, his gripped tightened on the bouquet of flowers. Was he nervous? He really wanted Hoseok to accept him, so maybe his was. But, he trusted their foundation of love was strong enough to withstand this one last obstacle.

Taehyung sucked in a breathe before knocking on the door. Seconds later, Hoseok opened the door and Taehyung was taken away with his beauty. He had on a simple blue, long sleeve sweatshirt with washed jeans and white shoes.

Hoseok smiled as he noticed Taehyung freeze up. But he smiled even wider as he noticed the flowers.

"Are these for me?" He asked Taehyung, who just nodded because he couldn't speak just yet. Hoseok let out a chuckle before accepting the flowers. "Aw, I love daffodils. I don't why, but I've just always felt they suited me the most," that's because you are happiness Hoseok, Taehyung smiled, "I'll be right back."

"So where are we going?" Hoseok asked as he locked his door. Taehyung cleared his throat, "We're going to have breakfast at a restaurant, go somewhere else and have dinner back at my place," Taehyung followed Hoseok down the stairs before answering his question.

"Are you assuming I'd go home with you?" Hoseok teased Taehyung who began to stutter.

"N-No, but I'd hope y-you'd want-" Hoseok let out fits of giggles. "I'm just kidding Taehyung, whatever the plan is today, I'm down if it's with you." The two made eye contacting before Taehyung smiled.

"This way then." He led Hoseok to the limousine where Chanyeol was there waiting. He opens the door as he saw the two approach him.

"Goodmorning Chanyeol, nice weather we're having right?" Hoseok giggled as he entered the limousine.

"Goodmorning Mr. Jung, and yes, the weather is definitely beautiful today." He answered before closing the door.

Chanyeol walked around before starting the limousine up. He checked the mirrors before driving off.


Half an hour later, the limousine stopped at the front of a restaurant. But this restaurant seemed homey and had a beach behind it.

"Are we eating here? It looks so cute in front of the beach," Hoseok squealed as he tightened his arm around Taehyung's.

"Yes and no. We're eating here, but not inside like the rest. I have a private area just for us." Taehyung replies.

Temptation || Vhope AU [DISCONTINUED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat