"Sired. He feels loyal to Klaus because Klaus' blood created him."

"Loyal how?" Rick asks the million dollar question.

"He'll seek acceptance from his master. It's really rare but maybe not so much in hybrids."

"So how do I fix him?"

"Get a new boyfriend."

"Such an ass." I head out wanting to get to the bonfire as soon as possible. I need to get away from Damon so he doesn't try to talk to me. I need to move on or at least act like I am before I lose it.

Elena is playing on the whole acting drunk thing so much while I'm actually getting drunk. "What is going on with you?" Elena asks me and I shake my head. All I see when I look at her is the reason I felt there was no hope for me and Damon.

"Nothing. I'm enjoying a high school party for the first time in years." I down my third beer not caring what is happening.

"We need to all be focused if we want to stop Stefan."

"You only really need Damon. That's all you ever need."

"Sofia, I..."

"I told you guys not to break my heart but you did it anyway."

"Sofia, I...we haven't done anything."

"It doesn't mean you won't. You may not see or know it now but give it time and I will be proven right. For now, carry on your plan and no worries I have high tolerance even if I can't drive persay I can still protect you if something goes wrong.

"I love you Sofia."

"Everyone says that to me Elena, but it doesn't feel like anyone means it." I push past my sister to search for some more alcohol.

"Want to explain to me what has you all down?" Caroline pops up next t me.

"Nothing that I want to elaborate on Care."

"Sofia, I'm your best friend and I can tell when you're down. What happened?"

"I ended things with Damon because of the feelings I know he has deep down for Elena."

"Thank god, you needed to dump him long..." She stops and looks at me. I don't even realize I'm crying until she mentions it. "You didn't want to dump him did you?"

"I love him, Caroline. I love him so much I was willing to ignore him loving my sister. I was willing to love him for as long as he let me."

"What stopped you?"

"It's a new year and it should be a new me. I shouldn't be okay with people treating me like I'm less than what I am. I'm Sofia Irene Gilbert! I'm freaking fantastic and if no one can see them screw them."

"Is this only about Damon?"

"It's about every man I've let use me."

"Matt never used you." I look to her with sadness in my eyes.

"And I compelled him to not be in love with me."

"You what?"

"I compelled the one man who possibly loved me to not because I was afraid he would get hurt. Now it would be selfish of me to compel his love back. Besides it's not like I stayed in love with him since I ran into Damon's arms."

"Wait you compelled Matt?"

"I had Damon do it after I found out everyone was keeping Damon turning Vicki into a vampire. I couldn't be in a relationship with Matt when I was keeping this secret from him."

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