She's Here

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I loved writing this chapter. I hope you all enjoy reading it.

Matt texted me asking if I can go with him and Bonnie to check on Caroline. I was relieved when we got the call saying she was fine and all of her injuries were healed. Bonnie was still hesitant being around me and Matt seemed like a new person. I've never seen him care so much for Caroline in my life. Most of the time she has always annoyed him, but here he is being the first few people to see her.

"Hey!" Matt brings me into a hug and I try not to think about what I had Damon do.

"Have you been here all night?" I ask looking to his bag and pillow on the waiting chairs.

"Yeah, with the Sheriff."

"Hey, guys." Bonnie joins us.

"Hey Bon, Matt was just telling me he was here all night waiting with Caroline's mom."

"And no one else?" She asks him.

"Stefan's brother Damon stopped by late last night." We share a brief look.

"How is she?" I ask.

"She for yourselves." Matt leads us to her room and she's up and alert. She smiles seeing us.

"Jersey Shore is on." Bonnie and I rush to her sides bringing her into a group hug. "Ooh, careful!" We step back not wanting to hurt her. "I'm still a little sore."


"It's okay. But they say I'm healing really quick now. Why are you crying?" Caroline asks and I look to Bonnie who does have tears streaming down her face.

"I'm just happy you're okay."

"Well, I love you guys!"

"We love you Care." I wanted to stay longer and hang with her until her mom came back but I already promised Tyler that I would help him greet people for his father's funeral. He did the same for me at my parents funeral, it's only right I do the same for him.

I quickly changed into my dress for the wake and headed over to the Lockwood's. In true Mystic Falls fashion, Carole turned her husband's death a reason to throw a lavish party.

"Hey, Sof." Tyler brings me into a warm hug. We haven't hung out as just friends since our relationship ended. So much happened in this past couple of months. I've changed as a person and I've seen the friends and family I've known all my life change too. Tyler isn't the same hot-headed person. He's mellowed and for that, I wish vampires hadn't taken over my life and I could have been there for him.

"I know I said it last night, but I'm so sorry."

"Thank you for agreeing to help."

"Always Ty. I know things didn't work out with us, but I do love you. You've been in my life since birth and I will always be here for you." I squeeze his hand.

"Who would have thought a few months would have us breaking up over my dumb ass mistakes and then my father's death bringing us back to speaking terms."

"I this was on different terms. I wouldn't wish this fate on anyone."

"Well, it does help to know you have my back today."

"Of course, now let's plaster the fakest smile we have for this town."

"Sounds like a plan."

People after people giving Tyler their condolences was bringing back what happened to my family just over a year ago. Everyone coming to our house crowding our living room telling how sorry they are for us. That's what you hear most when you've suffered a great loss, people tell you how sorry they are for you and how much they miss the person you're mourning. Nothing can prepare you for this moment.

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