I hesitated but nodded. "Is he my second chance?" I asked. "Why do I feel so... attached to him?"

Commander shrugged his shoulder, his face turning grave. "I wish I knew," he said, honestly. "He might be, or the Moon Goddess had made a mistake and placed you two to separate people, and you were supposed to be together."

Slowly, I nodded my head. "Do you know?"

"I do," he confirmed.

"Will you tell me?"

Commander smiled apologetically and shook his head. "You know I can't," he replied, causing me to huff and nod my head. "He wants him to tell you, but I don't think he thought it would take this long."

I nodded my head.

Commander reached over and squeezed my arm reassuringly. "He'll come around," he promised. "Get some rest. We'll have a busy day today."

I nodded my head. "Night," I said.

"Good night." And with that, he disappeared into the stillness of the morning.


I closed and locked my bedroom window, closed my curtains, before going over to my little bedside lamp on my dresser. I turned it on and chased away the darkness before going over to where I had placed the bag when I was talking to Commander.

Silently, I took the bag and placed it on my bed with a soft thud. Slowly, as if I was opening up a gift that I didn't want to break.

His sweet and addictive scent filled my nostrils as I saw the gray long sleeve shirt that he normally wore and gently took it out from the holds of the duffle.

Slowly, I placed it to my nose and took in a deep, closing my eyes as his scent enveloped my senses and made me feel safe.

Sighing, I pulled the shirt from my face and took off my shirt. Hesitantly, with a hand reaching out to grab Xavier's shirt, I looked towards the full-length mirror that was in my room.

Taking in a deep breath, I walked over to my mirror and looked at my reflection for the first time in years.

Scars littered my body from a past that was brutal but told a story of strength and a fierce will to live.

Each scar was a part of me and showed me and others the will that I had to survive anything that was thrown on me.

Each scar was a different length, some longer than others while others were short. They moved with the way my body was shaped bending and stretching as my body grew.

Most of the scars were white except for the black claw marks that stood out against my pale skin. These marks were made by the Frithen all those years ago.

Turning around, I lifted my hair and had my back face the mirror and stared at it, trying to study this new back of mine. Whip marks stood out on my skin, some of them bumpier than others. Claw marks laid on my skin from where Camen had dug his claws into my skin, breaking it and claiming me as his.

The mark of a traitor laid near the base of my neck and seemed to glow pale white. The diagonal line that crossed out the traitor mark glowed a paler white and a small bit golden.

Sighing, I let my hair down and walked back towards the bed. I noticed my bunny staring at me and this feeling of safety washed over me like someone was watching over me and using the other eye.

I pulled on Xavier's shirt and closed my eyes as I took in his sweet scent. "Goddess, let me sleep," I begged, opening my eyes.

I shook my head and huffed before pushing all pillows except for one towards the other side of the queen bed and looked through the bag to find the earpiece.

Taking the earpiece, I placed it in my ear. Turning it on, I rolled my eyes when I heard multiple cheers. 'Very funny, Guys,' I said.

'Hey, you are the one that was taking a long time to put it in,' Sergio said. 'I thought it would be the first thing you'd grab.'

'No, second to the shirt,' May said. 'What were you doing? Huffing the shirt?'

'Shush, you,' I scolded, filling my face turn slightly red.

'Now, that you have the earpiece in,' Sergio said, 'open your curtains. We have a surprise for you.'

'If it is a lizard in that tree, again, I am going to murder you.' Hesitantly, I walked over to the curtains and flung them open to see fairy lights glistening in the tree.

Fourteen people stood on the ground and were looking up. Some of them were in human form while others were in Wolf form.

'Well?' Sergio asked, causing me to flash him a smile. 'There is always light in the darkness. Never forget that.'

I nodded my head, my throat closing up. 'Thanks, Guys. You're the best.'

'Hey, you're family,' Hank said, grinning up at me in his Wolf form. 'We'll do anything like finding a cursed rabbit for you.'

Commander scowled at Hank before looking at me. 'Holler if you need anything. You may turn off the earpiece for some privacy. Once you are awake, turn it on.'

'Yes, Commander. Night, Guys. Thank you.'

There were multiple 'good nights' before I turned off the earpiece and went to bed. After turning off the light, I clambered into the bed and tucked my blankets around me and clutched the bunny to my chest.

I turned towards the window and watched the twinkling lights flicker through the window on the tree that stood guard and prayed for sleep to take me soon into its' warm embrace.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now