"What's wrong?" Christopher asked apprehensively, his gaze traveling between his sister and the congested road.

"Chris, keep your eyes on the road. I'm fine... she is just bumping into all kinds of nerves down there." she took a couple of deep breaths and rubbed her tummy gently.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Emery chuckled when the tightness began to recede. "You can stop freaking out on me and get us home safely.

"I'm not freaking out," Christopher defended.

"Your fingers are shaking."

"Fine. I just hate seeing you go through this alone..."


"You don't want to talk about him, I get it... let's get you home, Nat should be done by now."

"Done with what?"

Christopher swore when he realized what he had said. "I can't believe I ruined this for her. I will never hear the end of it," he rambled.

Emery crossed her hands over her chest and gave him the stink eye. "Spill it, what are you guys up to?"

Christopher huffed. "Nat has a surprise for you."

"The sly bitch!" Emery laughed. "what is she about this time?" she asked giddily.

"I'm not saying shit. I'm probably gonna get starved for a week for telling you..."

"Eww! Spare me the details." she gave him a mock glare.

"What are you ewwing me for when you are proudly wearing the badge of your ewws," Christopher teased.

Emery burst into laughter, her cheeks warming up at the comment. "You're insufferable."

Try as much as she probed him for answers, Christopher remained closed-lip for the rest of the drive and found ways to skirt her questions which only marked up her curiosity.

When they arrived at the apartment, he muttered an excuse and asked her to take the lead while he ran a quick errand.

Emery grabbed her food and strode inside. She noticed the change in setting when the elevator stopped on the second floor but had no idea what was missing until she walked into her apartment.

It was indeed a surprise, one Emery did not imagine.

Confetti and flowers littered the living room, and plastered on the peach walls of the room was a banner with a calligraphy of Em's baby shower.

"Happy baby shower!" the small group of ladies cheered.

Tears of joy and gratitude overwhelmed Emery as she stood by the doorway, soaking in the activities going on around her.

Natalia hopped off the couch and ambled over to her. "You can shoot me later when I'm asleep but every baby and mama deserves a baby shower," she whispered and pulled her into a hug.

"God, I can't believe this. I wasn't even gone for five hours, how the hell did you pull this off?"

"Duh, its a holiday and this is the handiwork of two weeks planning... but I will be arrested if I tell you the hows so why don't you save me from years of imprisonment and just enjoy the party?"


"Shhh..." Natalia stirred her towards the group. "ladies, meet the supermom to be and our guest of honor, Emery."

A ton of congratulatory notes rang up and Emery thanked each and every one of them for coming.

She knew most of the guests as they were friends from Manhattan and colleagues from the office. Others were complete strangers but that status changed after Natalia and Janina introduced them.

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