Chapter Twenty-Six

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*Harry's POV*
After killing Cody, I had to get some air. I knew Hadley would come back, but I had to give her time. I knew she'd come, but I would just have to wait. Stepping out into the cold, I pulled my jumper up above my chin. Taking a stroll down the street, I stopped into a nearby Starbucks to get something to drink. The line was long and I was getting impatient. I started shaking and my blood started to boil. I just wanted a damn coffee!
"HURRY UP!" I shrieked, and everybody turned to stare at me.

"Sir, please calm down. You'll get your turn right away." A cashier with a nasaly snotty voice scalded me. I just rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to deal with people's bullshit. When I finally got to the cashier, I snarled at her.

"What would you like, sir." She emphasized sir and I was fuming.

"I WANT TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE!" I screamed. The lady backed up and glared at me.

"GET OUT OF MY STORE NOW!" She growled. I smiled at her.

"GLADLY, BITCH!" I shrieked back as I fled the coffee shop. As I sharply turned a corner, I bumped into a pretty girl.


"It's okay. I wasn't paying attention anyways..." She blushed and I bit my lip. She was hot.

"Do you wanna go on a date sometime?" I smirked.

"Ew, no." She quickly replied and quickly walked away, leaving me pissed. I've never gotten rejected before. Bitch. Huffing and walking home, I noticed there were cops circling my street.


Sneaking into my house through the back door, I guess I made too much noise, because three police officers held their guns up to me.

"PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD AND GET ON THE FLOOR! NOW!" They were all yelling and shrieking orders at me, which made me confused and overwhelmed.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU! SHUT UP!" I covered my ears and squeazed my eyes shut. This was all overwhelming, and I didn't want to hurt- or say anything- that could get me in trouble. Before I could even open my eyes, I had all three police officers tackling me and pinning me to the ground, and slapping handcuffs onto my scruffy hands. They dragged me out to their cop car and shoved me in, and before I could even explain- they slammed the door.

What the hell?

Who snitched on me?


No, she was too scared of me to snitch.


It had to be.

I was already pissed off at him and he has to go steal my girl and get me arrested? Man, as soon as I get out of prison- because I knew I'd end up there- he's dead. Slouching into the un comfortable seats, I groaned.

Man, I was going to be in deep shit.

*Flashback Ended*

*Hadley's POV*

Driving back to Luke's apartment was the best time I've had in a long time. Me, Gemma and Luke talked as if we had been best friends for ages. Stories of family and friends were flying everwhere. When we got to Luke's house, I didn't want to get out. Me and Gemma laughed all the way in, and Luke just shook his head. When we cracked open the door, everybody was silent.

"Uh... Hey guys... What's wrong?" Luke stuttered. Liam looked up, teary eyed.

"W-We heard what Harry did. We never thought Harry was this bad." Liam voice was croaky and small, and Louis just patted his back and continued for him.

"And since Harry is in jail... We decided to break up One Direction." He barely even whispered that last part, and I could hardly tell what he said. Until it hit me. One Direction was their world famous band. I had completely forgotten that Harry was in a band.

"YOU GUYS IT'S ALL MY FAULT! I'M SORRY! IF IT WASN'T FOR ME HARRY WOULDN'T BE CRAZY!" I started crying and fell to the floor.

"Hadley no it's not! I swear! Harry was cuckoo before that!" Zayn- I think- had rushed to my side and wrapped his arms around me.

"B-BUT IT IS! IF HE NEVER WOULD HAVE MET ME ONE DIRECTION WOULDN'T BE BROKEN UP!" I sobbed while wiping my eyes on my long jumped sleeve.

"Hadley it's not your fault... I promise, okay?" Zayn was looking me in the eyes and he smiled through the tears in his own eyes.

"O-Okay." I faked a smile in return and he hugged me again. When I looked up, I could see Luke staring daggers into Zayn's back.

What was that all about?

Suddenly feeling really awkward, I let go of the hug and smiled at Luke, and he immediately seemed to have lightened up.

*Luke's POV*

Seeing Hadley hug Zayn made me mad. I tensed up at Zayn's simple- yet meaningful- gesture. I could see Hadley glance up, and she immediately looked awkward after seeing my tensed up look. She let go of the hug and smiled at me, which made butterflies erupt in my stomach. But I couldn't love Hadley. I didn't know how she felt about guys after Harry. I think I've shown her that I'm a good guy, and really, I am. I just fell into the wrong crowd. Well, unless you count what happened with Chance and Harry, I'm a good guy.


It was the tenth grade, and being the stupid teenager I am, I had two best friends. Chance, and Harry. We were the bad asses of the school. We did drugs and smoked and stole from stores, everything from small corner stores to jewelry stores. This time we were being risky, and going to a liquor store to try and take beer for a party that we were having. Being stupid and clumsy, we got caught.

And we all got arrested.

After that I stopped hanging out with them, doing drugs, smoking and stealing. I didn't really fit in their 'clique' anyways. I was always awkward when it came to doing stuff like that.

I mean I guess it wasn't that bad, but I still feel guilty every time I think about it.

*Flashback Ended*

I cringed as I remembered the flashback. It was a terrible thing that I can't change, and I feel guilty to this day. It was stupid, but I still didn't want Hadley to know. I was pulling the good guy look, and I didn't want anything else to slip out of my- or anyone else's mouth. Sure there's other times where I've gotten arrested, but that's a whole differen't story.

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