Chapter Thirty

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Hadley's POV

Hours passed by, Ashton was still grumpy, and Michael was still silently driving. They had a lot of tension between them, and I wanted to know what Michael had said to Ashton when they pulled over. It had to be worth something Ashton would listen to, otherwise Ashton would've just brushed Michael off.

"Luke... Luke wake up..." Calum was poking Luke's cheek, as he drooled and shuffled in his seat. It was amusing to see Luke so quiet. Ashton was still quiet, arms crossed and a scowl plastered over his face. Turning towards Michael, I smiled.

"Michael I can drive if you want?" He gulped and I bit my lip. He was probably exhausted.

"Do you have your license?"

"Beginners." He groaned, but pulled over. Ashton's knees dug into my seat.

"What are you doing? She can't drive! She's a child!"

"Ashton calm down. It's just for a few minutes. I'm absolutely exhausted."

"Let me drive, Michael." Ashton was getting angry now, but Michael just stepped out of the car. Myself, swinging open the door and trading places with Michael, he stopped me infront of the car.

"Sorry about Ash. He's stressed." I just smiled and walked over to the driver's side. Taking a deep breath, I put the car into park and drove off.

Harry's POV

Waking up in a hospital, I didn't remember anything.

How did I end up here?

Buzzing the nurse's button, she came running in.

"Yes?" She asked, a British accent obviously recognizable.

"Where am I? Who am I? How did I get here?" My voice grew with every word, and she stepped back, quite startled.

"You're at the St. Charlotte Hospital. You're Harry Styles, and you were in a car accident." Her words flooded into my brain, but they didn't mean anything.

Harry Styles?

That's not me. I've never heard that name before.

"I'm not Harry."

"Well then who are you?" She shakily asked.

"I don't know. But I don't recognize the name." Squirming in my seat, I was getting frusterated.

I couldn't remember anything.

Zip, zada, nothing.

"I could show you pictures and ID, if you want. Are you sure you don't know the name?" She looked utterly concerned for me.

"I would like that." She smiled and disappeared, only to come back minutes later with a wallet. Pulling out a license, it was me.

I was Harry Styles.

My picture was there and everything.

"Could you tell me about my past?" I choked out, my voice cracking and tears brimming my eyelids. She sighed.

"Sir... You weren't a nice person..." She paused, probably waiting for a response.

"Go on." I demanded.

"You killed lots of people, and  you were mean. You held a girl hostage for months. Maybe you've changed, I don't know... But I just thought I'd-"

"Family?" I didn't want to hear anymore of that. She hesitated.

"You killed your Mum and Dad. Your sister is alive, but you held her hostage for years." I wasn't listening anymore. This was nonsense.

"Who was the girl?"


"The girl. Who was she."

"Hadley Mason." Nodding, I was processing this information. None of it sounded familar.

"Oh, and, uh, Harry, I never told you anything." The nurse smiled, and I returned it.

"Oh, one more thing I should mention. You were in a band, One Direction, but they kicked you out for being out of control."

"I was a monster."

"That, you were."

"What if I told you I've changed? I don't feel negativity. I feel happy. A different person, I suppose. Maybe this was sort of an epiphany, you know? Maybe I've changed. But would you believe me?" The nurse paused.

"If you believe that you've changed, I have no reason to doubt you. But promise me this," she leant in, signaling for me to do the same.

"You need to tell other people you've changed. Apologize. Find this Hadley, and apologize. And I don't mean just saying sorry, I mean full out eight paged double spaced essay level apology. What you did to her was unhuman. The same to your sister. Apologize. Explain why what you did was wrong. If you parents have a grave go visit them. If you apologize, I garutee it'll make things a whole lot better. For the moment." The nurse smiled once more and so did I.

I do believe I could change.

But first, I needed to figure out what I did need to change.









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