Chapter Twelve

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Soooo I'm on vacation in South Dakota so I'm really excited to see stuff 👏 Anyone know any cool places to go in South Dakota other than Mount Rushmore? Right now I'm in Dead Wood and it's SO BEAUTIFUL 🙌 So anyway sorry if this chapter sucks, I'm really out of focus but I decided it was time to update! So if you have any cool ideas of stuff to do in South Dakota PLEASE comment because my family is kinda clueless (were from Canada so we don't really know much lmaoo) Okay so here's chapter twelve


It's been weeks.
Probably close to a month.
I'm a mental wreck.
The nurses gave up trying.
I probably didn't deserve to live.
I've been all cuckooed up in my little hospital room, just barely living.
My dad still hasn't showed up.
Surprise, surprise.
Nurses try to keep me busy and keep my mind off of the traumatic life I've lived.
But haunting flashback pop up every once and a while.
It haunts me.
Reminders of the beatings my dad did still creep into my mind.
My Mother, sister, and best friends faces still dig into my memory, making me break down.
Nurses said my Father would soon come into the picture, but they said he was "busy" and "didn't have time for me right now" and "couldn't handle an unstable emotional teenager right now". But the nurses have been saying that for months. I had a feeling that I'd end up an orphan when I got out of this hospital.

* * *
"Hadley wake up, its time to take your meds." Sang a chirpy nurse at six thirty in the morning. I rolled on to my stomach and wiped my red eyes and groaned. I'd still never gotten over the fact that my family was gone, and every once and a while, during my sleep, I'd cry. I sat up and ran my fingers through my knotted hair and winced when I ran over the still sore wound from the car accident. My wrists were better, and so were my ribs, but I still couldn't talk. I could muster out grunts and sounds and small word like things, but I still couldn't talk full sentences. Id been blessed with being able to walk around the hospital and wearing my own clothes and having some freedom, but I couldn't leave hospital property.

"Hadley, are you okay?" I glared at the nurse with blood shot eyes, tangled hair, pale skin and ice cold stare. She sighed.

"Hadley, we understand you don't have a home and we're doing everything we can do to help you, but you have to cooperate with us, and just be happy, or just don't be grumpy with us. We are doing everything we can to help connect with your family and see if you can go with anyone other than your Dad. We really are trying, Hadley." The girls voice was hoarse and croaky, like most of the nurses voices when they talked to me. I held in tears. They really were trying, and I knew that, but I couldn't help feel that is was their fault that they couldn't save my family, but I knew they tried, so I can't stay mad forever,


I'm so sorry that this sucks.
It took me like three hours to write this and I'm exhausted.
I will try to update more often when I get wifi but I can't promise anything until I do actually update.
Goodbye my sparkle cupcakes and I will write soon!!

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