Casey Casden

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I came downstairs, drying my hair with a towel

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I came downstairs, drying my hair with a towel. "My shower was fucking freezing."

I grabbed a flannel out of the dryer and wrapped it around my body. Lip and Ian were on the floor, looking into the water heater. "We're checking on it."

"Who's next?" I asked. I walked over to the vent and tried to warm myself up with the heater. 

"Do you ever walk around with a shirt on?" Fiona jokes, walking in. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out.

"You do it all the time,"

"Yeah, but you have bigger boobs than me." She said, grabbing my shirt and buttoning it. I rolled my eyes as she buttoned it to the top.

"Oh yeah, this is dead." Lip said from the floor. His flashlight stuck in the water heater.

"You sure?" Fiona asked, grabbing the coffee cup.

"Uhuh. The elements rusted out." Lip flipped the element around in his hand.

"Anyone want to make some tollhouse cookies?" Debbie asked walking into the room. I grabbed some food off the table and munched on it.

"How much to replace it?" Fiona asked.

"Two bills used, four new."

"Shit," Fiona looked up at me. Desperation filled her brown eyes.

"I only got about a thousand on me." I told her truthfully.

"Fuck, where you get that?" Ian asked.

"Working hard pays off," I winked at him.

"How about pie? I can get started on the crust." Debbie walked quickly to the cabinets.

"Go take your shower!"

"I wanna make pie!" Debbie started scouring the cabinets for ingredients.

"What's up with you Debs?" I asked, leaning up against the counter next to her. She ignored me and kept looking around the cabinet.

"You know what? Hand me the obits. Maybe we can scavenge a dead persons water heater. Thank you!" He took the newspaper and flipped it open.

"Oh. Mrs. Dombrowski."

"Oh, the shaky-neck lady? I thought she drowned a couple years ago." Ian said.

"No. Mrs. Goga had the shaky neck and drowned in her own vomit last easter." Debbie explained. She set out the pie ingredients.

"No pie. Get in the shower. I'm not saying it again." Fiona scolded Debbie, taking the ingredients.

"Yeah, go take a cold shower." I said laughing. She glared at me before walking away.

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