Chapter 24: "All's Fair and Karma is a Bitch"

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What if she's right and you won't be the same. But what if-

He pushes the thought aside. If they want to lay their secrets bare for once, he'll bite their bait.

"Curse?" He asks "What curse?"

"It ain't a curse exactly, but you know, it's six of one, half dozen of the other," Mae says as she walks further into the room, going straight for your unconscious form. She reaches out, but Kol's firm grasp on her wrist prevents any contact.

"Hands off. " He warns and everyone knows he'll only warn once.

"I could say the same. "Klaus says, the usual charismatic and boastful s voice nothing but a dangerous whisper.

"Oh, so much Testosterone..." Mae sighs under her breath and pulls her hand free from Kol and heads for the bar. The next bit requires booze. And a lot of it.

Kol follows her every move, while also keeping tabs on Klaus. He's unsure who out of them will screw things up first or who'll drive him to insanity- whichever comes first.

"Long story short, the magic I once possessed was stored away in here before I became a vampire." She says and brushes over the scar on her face "The sacrifice of an original was the ultimate source to overpower the protection spell. It was the only way to retrieve said power, alongside rare ingredients I've gathered for the last 100 years. This spell was supposed to set my magic free. But someone must have intercepted it. "

"Wasn't us." Kol shakes his head and judging by the look on his opposer they don't seem convinced. "I never heard of a spell like this. And magic drains away during the transition, how would you retrieve it?"

"Because my magic was hidden away before I was turned, it wasn't lost like yours was. See it as a loophole, no magic drains away if it's undetected."

Kol read about witches hiding their magic in objects, but never in themselves.

"And what about Y/N? She never had powers."

"Turns out Momma Salvatore had powers of her own. Weak power but enough to pass it on to Y/N. After her birth, she chose to hide her magic within her. She wanted to tell her when she was older, to give her a choice, but she died before she could do so."

"And do tell, how do you know this?"

"I might have stolen her diary a few centuries ago. Apparently, everyone in this family is keeping diaries." She shrugs before rummaging around in her bag, "It's no use to me now if you want it, it's yours." She slides the worn leatherbound book over the table.

"Now now, love," Klaus says and leans towards her as if he's sharing a terrible secret "don't skip the best part."

"Y/N is in transition, fighting a battle in her mind that either leaves her with vampire advantages and witch powers or..." She says, and hesitates for a second "well.....dead. "

Kol feels like someone tightened a noose around his neck. If you look close, you could see the perfected mask of pretend crumbling down and ram emotions taking over. And Kol's first emotion is always its anger.

He digs his fingertips into the leather, and slowly drags his eyes off the carpeting and states at his opponents, ready for torturing the truth out of them if he has to.

"Before you go all Dexter on me, there is a way to help. But you ain't gonna like the cost."

Klaus turns his head at her words, quickly shaking his head "Out of the question. I will not allow it."

"Tell me." Kol demands "Tell me what we have to do to save her."

There's no question that Kol will do whatever it takes.

Open Coffin (Kol x SalvatoreSister!Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora