Imagine 55; Prank

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Your heart raced.

You waited for 20 minutes and replied back,

y/n: oh, love you too
gukkie<3: love you too? are you okay babe?
y/n: im fine Jungkook
gukkie<3: Jungkook?

Your bite your lips not knowing what to do,

gukkie<3: y/n, baby, what's wrong?
gukkie<3: did something happen?
y/n: ugh, i said im okay, okay?
gukkie<3: you dont sound like it, im calling u
gukkie<3: answer.

"Guys, oh mygod!! He's gonna call!!"

While you and your friends were panicking, your phone started ringing. "Oh my god.." you mumbled looking at your phone, "Answer it, quick!" Hyuna freaks out, you gulped and took a deep breath in and out, you answer the phone.

"Hello? Y/n? Babe?" you sigh, "What?" you sounded unbothered, however you were trying really hard to keep yourself from laughing. The other girls had their hands covering their mouth scared to let out a sound.

"Are you having fun there? You want to come home?" you didn't know what to say but Hyuna whispers, "tell him you're having fun until he called.. goo.."

"Uhm, no, i don't want to go home, i was having fun until y-you called.." you hesitated as you didn't like what you were saying to him, "Y/n.. i'm being serious, are you okay? I will actually pick you up and talk about this, what's wrong?"

You couldn't contain your laugh, Hyuna tickled your side and you let out a giggle, "Stop~" you said to Hyuna, "Babe, who's there with you?" Jungkook's voice turned to something different tone. "Just Hyu—" before you could reply, Hyuna covers your mouth and Hyuna's brother came in the room.

"Pizza's here." Hyuna's brother leaned against the door frame.

"Y/n, who was that just now?"

"There's a guy there?"

"You didn't tell me."


You ended the call, all the girls started laughing. "Oh my god that was so scaryyy!" Hyuna sighed, "I know right." You slightly frowned though, "I feel bad.." you pouted, Hyuna and the rest hugged you, "It's just a prank don't worry, we got your back if anything major happens."

Hyuna's brother cleared his throat awkwardly ,

"Uhm, Pizza?"

For the rest of the night, you ignored or seened Jungkook's texts, you didn't want to but for the sake of the prank you had to. It was monday morning and you got woken up by Hyuna, "Time for school." You got up and got ready.

"Hey, how about a hickey prank?" Hyuna pops out of nowhere, "No way! That's gone way too far now, you want me to die?" you scoffed brushing your hair, "Oh come on, aren't you a little bit curious to find out an angry Jungkook?" Hyuna nudges the side of your body.

"I'm sorry but, that's the end of the prank." You pull out your phone and opened you and Jungkook's texts.

gukkie<3: babe:((
gukkie<3: y/n, please stop airing
gukkie<3: i didn't sleep well last night :((
gukkie<3: ure seening me again!!
gukkie<3: y/n ://

The corner of your lips sank, your face placing a visible frown. "What did i do.." you sighed at yourself,

y/n: babe, im sorryy
y/n: these were just a prank, im sorry
y/n: ill see u later, ill give u hugs and kisses, unlimited onesss
y/n: gukkieee i love youu

Jungkook imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ