Imagine 34; feel nothing

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"Yah, eodiya?"

You heard him sigh, you bit your lip and your heart pounded fast than before, "I'm practicing right now, i'll be home later okay? Don't worry baby~" You felt relief and sighed once more.

"You telling the truth?" You asked, "Yes baby.." you smiled, "Okay i'll end the call now, i must be disturbing you." You ended the call and put your phone down, if he lies to you..


///3 hours later////

You heard the door open, you fast walked to the living room and saw Jungkook, ah, he wasn't lying then.

"How was practice?"

"Good and tiring."

You nod, he turned to you and smiled, you went up to him and hugged him. He hugged you too, you were about to kiss him when he turned the other way, huh?

"I'll be upstairs, i'm really tired."

You just shrugged and went to the living room to watch his performances. You laughed and smiled at how cute, handsome, dorky he is. That's why you love him..

Suddenly there was a sudden knock, you looked at the time and it was already 10 at night, who could that be?

You walked to the front door and opened it, it revealed a girl, you couldn't see her properly since she was wearing a black hoodie that hus her face. She wasn't making any eye contact.

You raised your brow and looked at her up and down.

"Jungkook left his beanie.." her feminine voice, its cute. You took the beanie and got curious, when she was about to leave, you stopped her.

"Excuse me but who are you?"

She didn't turn around and answered, "I'm his make up artist.." she quickly left, that's weird..

Anyways, you closed the door and decided to sleep. You went upstairs and held onto his beanie tight and your other hand on the doorknob.

You tried opening it but it was locked, he must have forgotten you existed. You sighed and went to the guest room, you have been sleeping there for a week now.

You missed his scent, his warmth and the way he wraps his arms around you holding you in tightly, but it all stopped.


//next day////

You woke up and did your morning routine, you went to Jungkooks room and saw he wasn't there, you went downstairs and found a note.

'Y/n baby,
I'm out practicing, you know that my tour will be coming soon and i want to make my Armys proud.

I'll be back home soon, don't worry about me. Love you..'

Usually he'd write 'i love you'...

You shook your head and got bored already. You made yourself breakfast and sat down, then an idea came to your mind. You'll surprise him by buying food for him.

The boys have been practicing hard and you thought that the boys would love it too.

You put your coat on and made your way to him


"What do you mean he's not here?"

"We haven't been practicing since 2 weeks ago, we're resting right now.. y/n is there something going on?"

What?! He's not here.. so he has been lying.. pfft. No.

"Oh no, nothing.. thank you anyways."

You walked away slowly, holding tightly to the plastic bag.. you went to a nearby park to just calm down and enjoy the scenery, you looked up and breathed in and out.


You mumbled, you looked down and saw a familiar back.

He held onto someone, kissing her cheeks down to her neck and.. and.--



You walked up to them slowly and they didn't notice you since they were all lovey dovey..

You cleared your throat and they both looked at you, his eyes widen and immediately kept her distance from the girl.

"Hello, Jungkook! Fancy seeing you here."

You acted.. you didn't want hin to break the girls heart like he did to yours..

Jungkook was confused, sad and guilty.

He acted along.

"Hey y/n."

"Who's she?"

The girl asked, "I'm his friend, y/n.." she was smiling and moved closer to Jungkook, "Babe, you didn't mention her about me, She seems nice."

"Oh, you don't need to know her."

Jungkook gulped and wrapped his arms around her. "Jungkook, here enjoy this with her.. i bought it and please eat it." The girl took it and started eating it, she fed him.

You weakly smiled at them, Jungkook deserves her better than you.. you walked back wards and held your chest, you felt broken and empty..

He watched you walk away..

But did he run after you?


You crossed the road not minding the cars,


You turned around and saw Jungkook in tears and shock. You were confused until you heard a truck honking.. you looked at the truck and smiled.

Right timing..

That's when you saw nothing..--felt nothing..

You could still hear his voice though.

"I'm sorry y/n.. i love you, so, so much."

I love you too.. :)


Another imagine.. :)

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